On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 4:41 PM, Greg Woods <woods@ucar.edu> wrote:

The check format I am using is "wallet checks". There are three checks to a page and a blank area at the bottom, like this:

check 1
check 2
check 3

In F24, they come out with the blank space between checks 2 and 3:

check 1
check 2
check 3

My wife (who is a much better Googler than I) found a discussion in a Gnucash forum of exactly this issue:


The upshot of it is that this is a bug introduced in 2.6.12 . The reason I never saw it in F23 was that, prior to just before my system-upgrade, I had not done an update in F23 in a long time, so I was still running 2.6.11, which does not have the bug. F24 has 2.6.12, with the bug. A fix has been committed to 2.6.13, but Fedora doesn't have this yet (at least not in the normal updates repo).

So I just grabbed the old 2.6.11 package and did a "dnf downgrade", and I am back to 2.6.11 and it works again.
