On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 7:57 AM, Eddie G. O'Connor Jr. <eoconnor25@gmail.com> wrote:
On 03/03/2013 09:58 AM, Vinny Onelli wrote:
I am try to install F18 on Dell Dimension 8300 containing 2 HD 120 GB
for windows XP and 350 GB containing F17. I first tried to install F18
from a downloaded iso file, it shows an error when select the 350 GB HD
apparently it thing that there is not enough space, I intended to
replace the existing F17 but there is not such choice. I also tried to
install using the live dvd, but it shows the same problem.
Help would be greatly appreciate, Thank you in advance. Vinny

If it were me, I would transfer the data from the F17 drive to somewhere safe, then format the drive i want F18 on. I cannot think what could be causing it but that's the route I would take, only because my life is busy enough with my job, my 13 year old son.....and all the other miniscule things that occupy my time. And the most direct route to getting it done (for me anyway!) would be this. but I'm sure there are people who are more qualified than I am who could offer you advice that might not be so extreme....


I think I have encountered this, though I don't lit Microsoft's products touch my system: On the second install, I had to make sure that I took over the entire partition, else it went in beside F17.

Hope this helps,
