On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 9:29 PM, Craig White <craigwhite@azapple.com> wrote:

For your problems...

chkconfig smb on
chkconfig nmb on
service nmb restart
service smb restart

Do you mean

systemctl enable smb.service
systemctl enable nmb.service
systemctl start nmb.service
systemctl start smb.service

Because if you do, I've done that.

It seems obvious that nmb service is not running on this system which
seems to be critical for your setup.

According to that status tab in SWAT, it is running.

It can take 15 minutes for browser elections to result in a final winner
so be patient.

Please explain this.   And I'm testing with Dolphin and Konqueror.
That should take care of the problem with the wireless router winning
the netbios master browser elections

As for smbclient //nas/test

what are the permissions of /home/me/test ?

Owned by a regular user with the name "me" of group users.  Permission = 777.

smbclient //NAS/test -U ?  # Who is the user trying to connect?


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