I find this design decision very odd, exactly for the reasons you mentioned. Java 7 is, to my knowledge, far from universally supported. I would have waited for at least another release or two before phasing out Java 6.

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 1:57 PM, Fernando Lozano <fernando@lozano.eti.br> wrote:
Hi there,

I was surprized that F17 uses OpenJDK7 by default but does not includes OpenJDK6 packages also, like F16 did.

If I have some app which cannot run on Java 7, what should I do? I know I can download the proprietary JDK6 from Oracle, but I'd rather use OpenJDK.

I tried installing OpenJDK6 packages from F16 but yum complains they are obsoleted by OpenJDK7. I also tried downloading IcedTea6 sources and compiling, but they stop with an "internal compiler error".

Any hints?

[]s, Fernando Lozano

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