On 14 March 2016 at 12:56, Ranbir <m3freak@thesandhufamily.ca> wrote:
On Wed, 2016-03-09 at 15:42 +0000, James Hogarth wrote:
> Just a quick reminder about the above.
> Owncloud 8.1.5 is in the process of going to the Fedora 23 testing
> repo at the moment (just waiting the push).
> Fedora 22 will get a similar updates-testing in the next few days.

Are these updates going to make it into the epel repo as well?


EPEL7 certainly ... EPEL6 I'm not sure of yet.

Currently the oC in EPEL6 is 7.0 so we'd need to fix any dependency issues there to get to 8.0 first and then carry on up the path similar to how we've done with Fedora.

I'm really not keen on trying to maintain owncloud80, owncloud81, owncloud82 and owncloud90 packages all in tandem - there's just not enough hours in the day for me to cover more than $latest pretty much.

Of course given it's EPEL this will be over an extended period of time with a lot of grace periods between updates to give everyone a chance to move on up.

This also takes a backseat currently to just getting Fedora up to the current version - hopefully shaking out any issues in the process to provide a good experience for the EPEL users.

Note that if we can't get EPEL6 past 8.0 then it'll need to be retired as the last 7.0.x update has been released upstream.... but that's a battle for $future_me

If you'd like to do some early testing on EPEL7 then ifas/Didier has been taking my patches and sources and building them for EL7 on his COPR:


YMMV and insert many other disclaimers here along with a reminder about backups ;)

Do remember you cannot just upgrade straight to 8.2 but need to use the 8.1 packages first and ensure your owncloud instance is fully functional and any apps you use are functioning correctly.

Bear in mind that in the 8.1 update the Contacts, Calendar and Documents apps were moved out of core and into the store - so these need enabling with external store access. They also need their own update in oC after enabling, and whilst there are updates pending you can't install a new app.

Owncloud 8.1.5 is now in both Fedora 23 and Fedora 22 updates-testing and will remain so for another week. Assuming that there are no issues reported in bodhi I plan to push these stable one week Wednesday and then to push the 8.2.X packages into rawhide and updates-testing for F24, F23 and F22.

At that time I'll start the EPEL7 process for 8.1.X as well.