What about a shared folder on the window and a smb mount point on the server?

Fred Roller

On Mar 22, 2016 9:25 AM, "Gary Stainburn" <gary.stainburn@ringways.co.uk> wrote:
Hi Mark,

Thanks for this, but I need this to be headless and automated, which is why
not using passwords is so important.

The only method I've got working so far is standard SMB shares but that
solution isn't as clean as sftp (if I can get it working)

On Tuesday 22 March 2016 12:48:37 Mark Haney wrote:
> I routinely copy files to/from Windows to my Linux boxes, and the best way
> I've found is either use Dolphin and smb:// or use samba client from the
> command line.  Getting SSH/SCP/SFTP to work on Windows isn't trivial (at
> least it hasn't been) so I just skip that effort altogether.  Another
> method I've used it to share an external USB drive and use USB Anywhere to
> connect the Windows box to it.  Windows SSH support astonishingly still
> sucks badly so I don't bother trying to use that method.
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