I am trying to install Fedora 11 to a 2nd harddrive in my system.  I have an EMachine 3.20 GHz with 1 Gig Ram.  It gets to "waiting for hardware to initialize" (or something like that) then just sits there.  I saw on the forum where someone posted a similar message.  The only response he received said to try running a live CD to check hardware compatability.  I did that.  I get a message saying automatic boot in 10 seconds that counts down. Then I get a blank screen with a flashing cursor and thats as far as it goes.
Does this mean I'm not going to be able to install Fedora on my system?  I have a copy of Ubuntu that seems to install ok but I would much rather have Fedora.  Can someone plz help me get this installed?  Thank you

Robt C Parrish Sr
"I will neither define nor debate the
moral values, convictions, standards and priorities which govern my life.
But, I will defend my right to live my life according to them."