On 05/21/2016 12:24 PM, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Sat, 2016-05-21 at 10:11 -0400, Corey 'linuxmodder' Sheldon wrote:
Consider doign any or all fo the following:

1) re-importing  secret (private) key parts for that key
I'll try that as a last resort.

2) checking in gpg or  Evolution that the trust level is  set (OR
you have the much more insecure setting 'trust all keys' enabled)
The trust level is set.

3) Check for  pinentry-gtk --- If this is  not installed (MOST gpg
encryption / secret key passphrase  errors stem from)
I had pinentry-qt (I'm on KDE). I installed pinentry-gtk and it made no
difference. I had previously tried the encryption under Gnome with the
same result.

Also is this  Default Evolution in the repos or  a  pre-release
Standard version from the stable F23 repo.

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try with gpg (or gpg2 if installed):

gpg -o ~/localpath -se /path/to/foo.txt  and set the recipient to  that  keyid does that also scream  'no secret  key' ?
Corey Sheldon
PGP (64b): 8B4E89435A88E539,59276298D2264944
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