On 06/29/2012 09:41 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 29.06.2012 22:35, schrieb n2xssvv.g02gfr12930:
I make no apologies for trying to help
nobody did say that

but it appears to be a futile
experience in this case. You are entitled to your opinion, as you are
entirely convinced that you have made yourself clear, well if that was
so, how come I have misunderstood the purpose of your post?
because you thought i am the OP while in fact i only
corrected your wrong advise put the rpmfusion-repo-packages
in a local repo and hope it will change anything

More to the point you make a post, apparently already knowing the 
answer, which does seem rather pointless to me. 
you STIL do not understand that I AM NOT the OP

i only corrected your technically useless advise download
the rpmfusion packages, put them in a folder, call createrepo
and create a local repo to this folder because it is completly
useless since it will not make any difference to install them
via "yum install", "yum localinstall" or "rpm -Uvh" or even
"rpm -Uvh --force http://rpmfusion..."

This is futile, I'm no longer interested in understanding your position, whatever it maybe. We clearly misunderstood each other and that should be the end of it. Further talking at cross purposes achieves nothing, so I no longer wish to continue doing so.