is this application needed by Franta??

Antonio Montagnani

Linux Fedora 28 Workstation
da/from Gmail

2018-05-03 17:33 GMT+02:00 Todd Zullinger <>:
Franta Hanzlík wrote:
> I want to upgrade my Fedora 19 server to Fedora 27, but is seems as
> from cca Fedora 24+ ocsinventory packages (server and agents) are not
> in Fedora repos (although this SW is still maintained and released
> under (Fedora acceptable) GPLv2 license:
> )
> With a situation when some packages are missing in new Fedora distros
> (and they was in previous) I have met several times, so I want to ask
> rather generally: Is it possible to find out the fate of such package?

It generally is, though sometimes it takes a little digging.
The way I go about it is to check in the git repository for

When a package is retired from the distribution the spec
file and other files are replaced with a dead.package file.
The dead.package file should include the reason the package
was retired.

In the case of ocsinventory, it looks like it was orphaned
(which is what we call it when the maintainer formally
ceases to maintain the package).  If no one else steps up to
maintain the package it is then retired.

You might start at  From
there you can select the "Browse" link in the upper right
and then search for ocsinventory.  That leads you to

You'll notice the reb bubble with "Retired on Fedora" near
the top.  To view the dead.package file, click on the Files
link.  From there, clicking on the dead.package link shows
the reason for the retirement:

    2016-05-19: Retired orphaned package, because it was
    orphaned for more than six weeks.

Hopefully that helps you a little (though not as much as
having ocsinventory available of course).

It's always possible for someone else to unorphan the
package and pick up maintenance.  Fedora relies heavily on
volunteer maintainers.  Maybe someone reading will decide to
pick up the package. :)

Every man should have a college education in order to show him how
little the thing is really worth.
    -- Elbert Hubbard (1856-1915), "A Message to Garcia"

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