2008/8/1 Mikkel L. Ellertson <mikkel@infinity-ltd.com>
Richard Shaw wrote:

   Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

       You may have to run "syslinux -s /dev/sdd1". I forget where I
       found it, but with the version of syslinux included in F8, and
       probably F9, needs this before the USB key is recognized as a
       boot device. The latest version is susposed to handle this
       automatically, but it has not make it to F8 yet.


The livecd-iso-to-disk script does take care of this for you so I'm not surprised.  If there are no errors generated then the USB drive and MB BIOS may just not like each other. If you can afford to buy a different brand usb memory stick I would try that. I use a 4GB Corsair Flash Voyager stick and it works fine in my HP 8510 laptop.


I am trying to find where it said that again, but I know I had to do it to make it work on my system when I used the livecd-iso-to-disk script from the F9 live CD and an F8 system. The latest syslinux for F8 is livecd-iso-to-disk script and you need version 3.5.0 or later for it to work. (The F8 livecd-iso-to-disk script does not support persistent overlays.

There is a good howto at:


I did notice the persistent overlay issue with the F8 version of livecd-tools so I copied the script that liveusb-creator put on my flash drive over my F8 version and it worked fine. Maybe more than the overlay option was changed between versions? I didn't do a diff of the two but I may do that when I get home from work.
