On Thu, 2007-08-30 at 07:15 -0700, Globe Trotter wrote:
--- Patrick <fedora-list@puzzled.xs4all.nl> wrote:

> On Thu, 2007-08-30 at 07:05 -0700, Globe Trotter wrote:
> > Has anyone been able to get this working? All I get is a resolution of 1280
> x
> > 1024 or something like that, with no option for 1680x1050.
> I have an Acer TM6465 which has an ATI X1300 video chipset. With the
> vesa driver it was not possible to get 1680x1050 eiter. I think it is a
> limitation of the vesa driver cause if you look in /var/log/X.log then
> you will see a ton of resolutions but not 1680x1050.

Interesting, because Xubuntu 7.10 alpha does afford me that choice....I don't
think it is an issue with non-existence of the driver. Maybe someone else has a

Many thanks,

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On one of my systems I had to edit xorg.conf (in /etc/X11) to add a few resolutions to the "modes" line.  The install of F7 didn't build xorg.conf correctly at all and I had to fiddle with it.

-- Mark C. Allman, PMP
-- Allman Professional Consulting, Inc.
-- www.allmanpc.com, 617-947-4263

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