
I recently came up with this 'issue' (not really an issue in fact, please read along) when I configured a Webmin panel on a CentOS 6.7 instance we use at work.

Thing is that the sudo tool provides a configuration flag to deny a command execution if it's not being invoked from a console. Originally this was thought as an additional security layer but ultimately proved to be more a nuisance than anything else and that's why Red Hat decided to switch it off by default on newer releases starting with RHEL 7 (I don't know starting at which Fedora release though).

To disable this check launch visudo, look for "Defaults    requiretty" and comment the line. I believe that you can accomplish the same by adding the entry to a file in /etc/sudo.d/ but I didn't test it myself.


On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 1:31 AM inode0 <inode0@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 2:09 AM, Scott Mattan <s-mattan@niscom.co.jp> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am seeing some disparity between (two distributions granted) CentOS 6.6
> and Fedora22 in their use of the su utility.  I cannot figure out the cause,
> so I cannot fix it.
> In CentOS there is no way to script login to root... this is of course a
> desirable trait.
> for instance,
> [ user@localhost user ]$ su root <<EOF
>> password
>> echo ""
>> id
>> EOF
> standard in must be a tty

$ (sleep 1; echo password) | python -c "import pty;

Some programs require stdin on a tty, su has gone back and forth on
it. It really doesn't stop anything.

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