2013/3/6 <shaiton@fedoraproject.org>
Hi there,

I have been working lately to fix ticket #90 in order to improve the
maintainability of the websites.

I've just merged the f19-alpha branch in master, as it was running fine in
You might want to pull and clean your local clone of the repository.
You might want to take a look at the new building tree..
And you might look for me to update the documentation. Will do soon, I
promise :)
Many thanks to robyduck who helped me moving forward :)
You did most (all) of the commits... :)

The idea was to merge all Makefiles and python scripts. We could do
better, but at least huge work was done.

Please, take a look at some websites and report if you think I broke
something (as i did for fedorahosted/gitweb and fudcon.fpo few days
ago...) Checking never hurts. And caching bother me a lot :)

At the end of the month, f19-alpha will get it's files updated to be ready
for alpha GA.
But I am still not sure about #137, should we move toward this direction
I'm +1 for this as it helps us also to merge much easier from one branch to the next, maintaing only master, alpha and beta branch.
But while I'm writing this I think we just use this kind of 'branch-building' recently, don't we? It's a long time ago we built the production pages with a non-master branch; to check the branches of all our sites quickly we should make our table, which has to be updated constantly, more visible.

We still have to manage #144 with nirik.
Yeah, that's really a priority for our greek, turkish and norsk friends :)
Robert Mayr