It is my personal opinion that a link to the Marketing Resources page( ) should be place in a more prominent position on the frontpage( ). Good locations would be:
The Navigation menu on the right of the page
Amongst this link set

About | Get Fedora | FAQs | Documentation | Communicate | International

Join | Fedora 7 Schedule | Other Languages | Software Infofeed | Planet Fedora

The reason for this suggestion is to make it simpler for people who would like to use such images for marketing on their websites/blogs to find them. Currently anyone wanting this information must scroll down to the bottom of the page, click "Fedora Marketing", click "Resources", and then click "Fedora Banners".

I would have changed this myself, but considering my lack of prominence among the Edit Group, I figured I should bring it here first.
Kamisamanou Burgess -
ClubFBC -