On Mar 21, 2012 5:04 AM, "Kévin Raymond" <shaiton@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Working on #77[1], I would like to have this closed soon as now it's
> only an easy/quick task, and we need to update translations (POT and
> TXN POs).
> From what I've changed yesterday, now we only need to modify the
> `countries' list on the corresponding file, without the need to order,
> count, copy, past… when we want to update the list.
> My questions are:
> Do all should be translated? I mean the country name (like "United
> States") and its title (like "Fedora")? I don't really know how it was
> designed at first.
> People going to fc.o have not necessarly the right language selected,
> then if we don't translate the name or the title it's easier for them
> to find what they understand. And do we need to have all entries that
> we don't understand to be translated?
I know we talked about this on irc.

The country names should stay in the native language, as i think, gives it a certain community look to the site. The link of the site is mostly self explanatory, i think, even if you cant read the language.

> Moreover, what the block title should display? Something like "Fedora
> ${local} comunity"?

That would be ok.

> Please look at [2] and give what is right for you (or just told me how
> it was first designed, I think that while adding new websites we
> didn't respect that).
> Then I think that we could change the filler.png according to the
> region colour,

Yeah that would probably look nicer.

it's wierd this way to me, I thought that I missed to
> change the css class but I didn't… Some are called but not defined…
> Could be cleaned also.
> [1] https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-websites/ticket/77
> [2] http://fedoracommunity.org/en/emea
> Cheers,

Thanks again for taking the initiative in updating the site and making it easier to manage. I know you(ve spent time learning genshi and talking with those folks on how to build the site much more easily. Great job!


> --
> Kévin Raymond
> (shaiton)
> GPG-Key: A5BCB3A2
> --
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