On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 3:47 PM, Frank Murphy <frankly3d@gmail.com> wrote:
On 11/10/12 14:33, Elad Alfassa wrote:

The top post on planet:


"Jack of all, fubars"

We don't control planet content, so there's nothing we can do about the fact that they advertise Ubuntu.
That said, if we would have another planet feed which will be
1) Directly related to Fedora/FOSS all the time
2) Only in English

I would be happy to switch to it. But there is no such link, so we can't do much about it.
What I wonder is, why would a Fedora contributor (you have to be a Fedora contributor to get your blog in the planet) post about Ubuntu installfests in Planet Fedora.

-Elad Alfassa.