Attached is a mockup for a reformulation of the main content area of the wiki front page.
Good work! With other comments I'll implement this as a draft, then merge it in. :)
In the interest of time I didn't muck with the left hand nav but it definitely looks like it needs to go on a diet, in text form here's what I'd advise:
- Main Page <= might be better to reword to "Wiki Home" or "Wiki Front Page"
So should we make this wording agree with what will be "Fedora Homepage" (see below)?
- News <= fine
- Events <= fine
- Features <= I'd remove it
I'm cool with this.
- Recent changes <= move to the footer
- Random page <= move to the footer
These can't really be moved to the footer all that easily, but we could make a new "Meta" section, like Wordpress does.
- Help <= fine
- Home <= should be reworded to something like "Fedora Homepage"
(see above)
- Get Fedora <= fine
- Join Fedora <= fine
Subprojects <= these are all fine