On Sat, Oct 08, 2011 at 10:48:15AM +0200, Christoph Wickert wrote:
Am Mittwoch, den 05.10.2011, 23:22 +1100 schrieb Amit Saha:
Hello all:
F16 beta is out. I was wondering if there will be any 'decision' taken on the custom spins. I am specifically interested about Fedora Scientific [1].
I updated the KS file sometime back, so its "beta" quality now. I intend to do a blog post/wiki page entry soon describing all the tools included.
In the meanwhile, it would be great to know any particular update I should be looking forward to.
Hi Amit,
as the spins wrangler I have to apologize for not looking at your spin earlier. First I was not aware of it because I don't get any updates when somebody moves a spin to 'read for Wrangler' state, but I should have responded directly after the mail you sent me recently.
I have now done an initial review of the spin and added my questions and concerns to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talk:Scientific_Spin#Initial_spin_review
You say the spin is now in Beta quality, but by now it should already be ready. From Fedora's beta release on we need nightly composes for testing, but ATM the spins page is not even complete.
As I did my part in delaying this spin, I am willing to give it a try even though we are way too late. But we need to move on ASAP and this means that the wiki page needs to be really ready in order for the spins SIG to vote on the spin.
Is the state change done by adding a page to a wiki category? If so, it might be really useful if the wiki could notify people when pages are added to or removed from a category:
On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 10:38:44 -0400, "Paul W. Frields" stickster@gmail.com wrote:
Is the state change done by adding a page to a wiki category? If so, it might be really useful if the wiki could notify people when pages are added to or removed from a category:
Yes. People are supposed to add the wiki page to the ready for wrangler category when they are ready to have their spin reviewed.