
i experienced it now a couple of time that my Dom0 will get unstable if i copy a lot of files over a gigabit link using rsync into the dom0.
That happens even, when there is no workload on the system beside this process at all.

How to reproduce :

rsync -avuzP --delete --progress /home/user1 xenhost:/home/user1

the rsync will start and after a few minutes the remote host (xen) is no longer responding on the network.
when i look at the console of the xen host, it prints millions of :

[<c1005540>] syscall_call+0x7/0xb

only a hard reset helps now ..

environment :


so i assume it is a f7 kernel-xen bug .. is this known, as i haven't found anything in bugzilla ..
should i open a ticket against f7 ?

thanks . Sven