On 01/25/2017 01:59 PM, Jim Dean wrote:

On 26 January 2017 at 07:54, ToddAndMargo <ToddAndMargo@zoho.com> wrote:
Hi All,

Korora is a live spin Fedora Core 25 and Xfce 4.12.
Its goal is to provide a working desktop right off the spin.


I had a customer call me who was running M$ Vista.  Well Fargo
bumped him for being unsupported by M$.

[editorial comment]
      If Wells Fargo cared a wit about security, they wouldn't allow
      Internet Explorer or Windows for that matter at all, but ...
[/editorial comment].

When I arrived, I found that his system had reverted to factory
default.  Everything was gone.  He did not know what he did
to cause this (he selected factory reinstall on boot in bios).

So I showed him Korora live (it has ublock orgin in Firefox).
He likes it and told me to put it on.


Pluses:  It is a nice package with several of the things customer's
use already loaded.  Libre Office was a real plus as it is a large


1) in an attempt to be cute, it is way, way too "artsy fartsy".  The icons
are not what you expect to see.  You have to hover over them to see
what they are.  This is cute, but anti intuitive.   They do not include
the regular icons so you can change them back.

2) in desktop setting, I was unable to select an alternate file path
for the back drops.  The file system was grayed out.

3) Xfce Pol-Kit was not working.  This means I had to fire up the
printer setup utility from the command line as root.  When run
as a user, everything was grayed out and Xfce Pol-Kit did not
prompt for elevation.  The lack of elevation was not limited
to the printer setup utility

Next time, I will stick with the regular live spin.


I carry Libre Office with me on a stick, so its size is not a
big issue.   And I can easily dnf shotwell and kpat.

That being said, the customer said his computer was multiple
times faster and was tickled.  He really only uses Firefox,
and once he figured out the artsy farsty blur ball icon,
he was very happy.


Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

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Best to ask on Korora's support Engage https://kororaproject.org/support/engage

However I) I think the default icons are there, although the Fedora name disappears with Fedora branding (a legal requirement). it defaults to Numix Circle

2) that is a known issue that affect Xfce generally although I can't find a bug report for it. My Fedora Xfce system has the same problem. there is a workaround as detailed at https://kororaproject.org/support/engage/question/korora-25-xfce-setting-wallpaper-from-desktop-settings-fails-1

3) unable to reproduce that one, works fine here, were you running on live system?

The review was after installing to hard drive

Jim Dean

xfce mailing list -- xfce@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to xfce-leave@lists.fedoraproject.org

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows