On 19/09/10 00:18, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
Currently we are over sized on the Xfce spin for f14: 

      xfce-i386-20100917.16.iso   17-Sep-2010 17:54  727M  
      xfce-x86_64-20100916.15.iso 16-Sep-2010 17:07  728M  

So, we need about 30ish MB. 

I can't see any easy thing to remove, so I am going to reluctantly
suggest we remove the java-1.6.0-openjdk* packages. :( 
This means no java plugin out of the box on firefox (openjdk seems to
have issues with midori, so I wouldn't call it working there). 

Any objections? Or other items people see for us to remove?


Do we need QuodLibet if Parole will happily play audio files?

Could we replace the GIMP with something smaller?

I'm just thinking that those who need more specialist software like the GIMP will probably know how to get it, but new users who fire up a web browser and come across web pages that don't load properly might not know that they need to install the java package. It's hassle enough trying to get flash working, without having to jump through another hoop to get full internet access!

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