Hi All,

xsensors GUI Failed:
Fixed and closed.

xsensors is a real treat.  You don't have to boot into BIOS to check
temperatures and fan speeds. And it is now working in Scientific Linux
(RHEL 7.2 clone) and Fedora Core 24.


Here are my notes on it:

xsensors: GUI for motherboard sensors

# yum --enablerepo=* install lm_sensors
# dnf --enablerepo=* install lm_sensors

# yum --enablerepo=* install xsensors
# dnf --enablerepo=* install xsensors

to set up the sensors to monitor, one time run

# /usr/sbin/sensors-detect

Then create a launcher for

$ xsensors

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows