Hi all,
As a Pragha developer, I would like to compile it with the support of Lyrics, Artist bio, etc.

For this we have to compile glyr (https://github.com/sahib/glyr) in fedora, which I did years ago, but just today I proposed it as a package review.

> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1636111

If anyone is so kind to help, thank you very much !! :wink:

On the other hand, must update the libclastfm package, to avoid some new errors due to changes to the lastfm api. :disapointed:

This package also I have been mantain in parallel, but if someone has a chance to update will be grateful.

> https://copr-dist-git.fedorainfracloud.org/cgit/matias/Pragha-updated/libclastfm.git

... and finally, hopefully, publish version 1.4 of Pragha shortly..

If you can try it, and comment many thanks!

Thanks again, :joy:
