Erik van Pienbrok wrote on Sun Mar 24 16:03:07 UTC 2013
I can fix the glib case, but for libgsf please file a bug at against the mingw-libgsf component so that its package maintainer can fix it.
An updated mingw-glib2 package which shouldn't have a DllMain in the static library any more can be found at Can you try if this resolves the issue for you?
I have used your patch to successfully compile and link against a static copy of glib, so it appears to have fixed the problem. I did not manage to use the build you provided because of a missing symbol (__chkstk_ms), but this is probably because I have not installed all the Fedora packages this one depends on and am using older libraries. (I think that __chkstk_ms was introduced in a newer version of libgcc.)
I will raise a bug for mingw-libgsf as you suggest.