While preparing win64 support in Fedora a dedicated yum testing repository was used to provide win64 packages which could be tested. As win64 support has now arrived in Fedora 17 this dedicated yum testing repository has become obsolete and will be removed eventually.
Over time various people started to contribute new packages to this testing repository. As this testing repository won't be updated any more we're looking for people who want to maintain these new packages in Fedora. Here is a list of packages which people contributed to the testing repository but which aren't part of Fedora yet:
mingw-attica: Implementation of the Open Collaboration Services API
mingw-crypt: Cryptographic functions from GLIBC 2.14
mingw-dbusmenu-qt: A Qt implementation of the DBusMenu protocol
mingw-fftw: A Fast Fourier Transform library
mingw-flac: Free Lossless Audio Codec Library
mingw-gd: A graphics library for quick creation of PNG or JPEG images
mingw-giflib: Library for manipulating GIF format image files
mingw-gstreamer-ffmpeg: Cross compiled GStreamer FFmpeg-based plug-ins
mingw-gstreamer-plugins-bad: Cross compiled GStreamer plug-ins "bad"
mingw-gstreamer-plugins-bad-free: Cross compiled GStreamer plug-ins "bad"
mingw-gstreamer-plugins-good: Cross compiled GStreamer plug-ins good
mingw-gstreamer-plugins-ugly: Cross compiled GStreamer plug-ins ugly
mingw-gtk2-engines: Theme engines for GTK+ 2.0
mingw-jack-audio-connection-kit: The Jack Audio Connection Kit
mingw-kdelibs: KDE Libraries
mingw-kdewin: Supplementary library for compiling KDE applications on Windows
mingw-libart_lgpl: Library of graphics routines used by libgnomecanvas
mingw-libgnomecanvas: GnomeCanvas widget
mingw-libgnomecanvasmm: C++ interface for Gnome libs
mingw-liblrdf: Library for manipulating RDF files describing LADSPA plugins
mingw-libproxy: Library handling all the details of proxy configuration
mingw-libsamplerate: MinGW Windows Sample rate conversion library for audio data
mingw-libsndfile: Library for reading and writing sound files
mingw-libtheora: Cross compiled Theora Video Compression Codec
mingw-orc: Cross compiled Oil Run-time Compiler
mingw-phonon: Multimedia framework api
mingw-portaudio: Free, cross platform, open-source, audio I/O library
mingw-qjson: A qt-based library that maps JSON data to QVariant objects
mingw-qtlockedfile: Cross compiled QFile extension with advisory locking functions
mingw-qtsingleapplication: Qt library to start applications only once per user
mingw-raptor: Raptor RDF Parser Toolkit
mingw-spice-gtk: A GTK+ widget for SPICE clients
mingw-strigi: Strigi search engine libraries
If you're interested in maintaining one of these packages in Fedora feel free to pull the latest .spec files and patches from [1] and file a review request ticket for them [2]. Don't forgot to add fedora-mingw@lists.fedoraproject.org to the CC field of your review ticket so you can find people to review your packages more soon.
The packages mingw-gstreamer-ffmpeg, mingw-gstreamer-plugins-bad and mingw-gstreamer-plugins-ugly aren't allowed in the Fedora repos itself because of legal reasons. If you're interested in maintaining these you can file a review request in RPMFusion [3] where these packages are welcome.
Kind regards,
Erik van Pienbroek
[1]: http://svn.openftd.org/svn/fedora_cross/ [2]: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Package_Review_Process [3]: http://rpmfusion.org/Contributors#Submitting_a_new_package