Hi all,
We have these WSDLs full of SequenceSequence types, that is an array
of array of some complex type...
I tried instantiating the type, say, mytype, then passing it to a
method that expects such beast as [[mytype]], or [ [mytype,],]
I always the excpetion that follows. Is this unsupported currently?
in invoke(self, args, kwargs)
469 binding = self.method.binding.input
470 binding.options = self.options
--> 471 msg = binding.get_message(self.method, args, kwargs)
472 timer.stop()
473 metrics.log.debug(
in get_message(self, method, args, kwargs)
96 content = self.headercontent(method)
97 header = self.header(content)
---> 98 content = self.bodycontent(method, args, kwargs)
99 body = self.body(content)
100 env = self.envelope(header, body)
in bodycontent(self, method, args, kwargs)
61 p = self.mkparam(method, pd, value)
62 if p is not None:
---> 63 root.append(p)
64 n += 1
65 return root
in append(self, objects)
329 child.parent = self
330 continue
--> 331 raise Exception('append %s not-valid' %
332 return self
<type 'exceptions.Exception'>: append list not-valid