Hi suds mailing list,
My question is if the suds library is thread safe or not. Specifically, I thinking of the following scenario. A singleton instance of a class SOAPClient is created in a multi-threaded server, and upon initialization the class creates a sud Client that it maintains a reference to in an instance variable. The suds Client would then be used across SOAPClient methods, which are being invoked by multiple threads (whose creation is driven by user requests). The reason I am considering this design is that it eliminates the need to reprocess the wsdl (ie client = Client(url)) for every request. My question is whether or not this usage pattern is safe. (I've googled around for thread safety issues with urllib2, and as far as I can tell urllib2 itself is thread safe, but I'm wondering if such thread safety extends to suds). I'd also be interested in hearing if such an optimization is in your opinion even warranted (Another idea I'm considering is using thread locals to bind a Client instance to a thread, thus allowing for thread safety but still cutting down the parsing suds is forced to do).
Thanks for your time,
Mike Taylor