Posted this on IRC, but didn't get a response, so trying here:
<bdperkin> Hi all, having a problem that I'm hoping someone can help me with. I'm implementing something on the VMware 5.0 SOAP interface that is working on the VMware 4.1 SOAP interface. VMware made some changes that has broken my script and I haven't been able to figure out how to work around it. <bdperkin> error is at: http://fpaste.org/XZwk/ <bdperkin> line 9 of this clip of the WSDL is the offender: http://fpaste.org/b6G0/ <bdperkin> The problem is that that schema file, in fact, doesn't exist. <bdperkin> I'd like to just ignore it and I was trying to use a Doctor to no avail, it kept wanting to grab it and kept getting the 404. Any suggestions? <bdperkin> And of course, changing the WSDL is a non-starter as this is VMware 5.0 GA code