
  • 50 participants
  • 416 discussions
Change in vdsm[master]: tests: sort the tests and remove duplicates
by Federico Simoncelli
11 years, 6 months
Change in vdsm[master]: tests: add FileVolumeGetVSizeTest
by Federico Simoncelli
11 years, 6 months
Change in vdsm[master]: tests: drop the sanlock-python dependency
by Federico Simoncelli
11 years, 6 months
Change in vdsm[master]: build on el6: import OrderedDict from elsewhere
by Dan Kenigsberg
11 years, 6 months
Change in vdsm[master]: tests: override the P_VDSM definition in local tests
by Federico Simoncelli
11 years, 6 months
Change in vdsm[master]: pep8: fix hsm.py
by Dan Kenigsberg
11 years, 6 months
Change in vdsm[master]: fix in import error
by ybronhei@redhat.com
11 years, 6 months
Change in vdsm[master]: modify hsm.py for PEP8 compliance
by zhshzhou@linux.vnet.ibm.com
11 years, 6 months
Change in vdsm[master]: BZ#836161 - Changed code obsoleted by deleteImage() rewrite.
by ewarszaw@redhat.com
11 years, 6 months
Change in vdsm[master]: BZ#836161 - Rewrite of deleteImage() complement.
by ewarszaw@redhat.com
11 years, 6 months
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