Hello everyone,
I would like to announce that the Anaconda team has decided to postpone
Web UI System Wide change[0] from Fedora 41 to 42.
Reason is that we don't have time required to get the project into shape
which we would like to deliver to users based on the feedback we were
able to collect[1]. We also have other Fedora 41 and CentOS Stream 10
work[2] we would like to deliver which is again reducing our capacity
for the Web UI project.
We, FESCO and Fedora QE need to decide how to handle this in Rawhide. If
we keep Web UI in Rawhide or revert it.
Sorry for keeping you waiting even longer. I really hope you will love
the Web UI when it's ready!
Best Regards,
Jirka and the Anaconda team