This is an interesting problem. We want to post comments from AutoQA
into Bodhi. But some of our tests are designed in such a way that they
test a particular package several (dozen) times. For example depcheck
will test all packages in -updates-pending every time this tag is updated
(new package is added/removed).
If some package fails depcheck, we probably don't want to add 10 comments
to its Bodhi page saying "depcheck failed" every single day.
So we devised a solution where we won't post duplicate comments. If
the first comment says "depcheck fails", we won't post any new comment
until it says something else.
But that has a catch - we also want to add a URL to the full results
of the test. If we don't post duplicate comments, the maintainer will
see just the original URL. But the reason of the failure might have
changed. How do we tell the maintainer what's wrong when we don't post
updated URL?
One silly idea I've come up with is that we will post duplicate comments,
but only once in a few days. For example we will post "depcheck failed
(URL)" again only after at least two days from the previous "depcheck
failed (URL)".