I've now done many mass rebuilds both with and without epel-rpm-macros
in the buildroot and have found exactly 31 failures which result from
the presence of the macro package. This macro package enables, in
EPEL6, the use of %license in the %files section of the spec without
having to conditionally define it.
Twenty-nine of these build failures are due to the use of %define
instead of %global and are trivially fixed by making that replacement.
One is due to having a macro in a "comment" which breaks because the
macro is now multi-line. The final fail7ure is due to a recursive
expansion resulting from the mistaken assumption that a macro will not
be defined at a particular place. The latter two are fixed simply by
doubling a single '%'.
I have all of these fixed in my local git repo.
I would like to do two things:
1) File a releng ticket to have epel-rpm-macros added to the EPEL6
buildroot, as it is with EPEL7.
2) Push my changes to the 31 outstanding packages, by committing the
small changes required to the el6 branches in git, but not rebuilding
anything. This allows current git to build, but if maintainers would
prefer to commit those changes to rawhide and pull them down to el6
they can easily revert my changes.
Does anyone have any objections to me doing either of these? If I can
get the macro package into the buildroot then I can move on with adding
some of the other requested macros. This should all be much easier with
the rebuild infrastructure I have in place now. I can also move on to
trying to help out EPEL5 as well. I'd really like to put this phase of
the work to bed as soon as is feasible.
The list of packages needing the minor tweaks is below. All just need
%define -> %global except for qt5-qttranslations and tesseract which
need a single doubled '%' each.
electronics-menu (chitlesh)
epylog (smooge, icon)
geos (devrim)
itcl (orion, krege)
itk (orion, krege)
iwidgets (orion, krege)
pdsh (spstarr, dmlb2000)
postgresql-plruby (devrim, hhorak, praiskup, jmlich)
python-clientform (lmacken)
python-ruledispatch (lmacken)
python-tgext-crud (lmacken)
python-tgfastdata (lmacken)
python-TurboMail (lmacken, fschwarz)
qt5-qttranslations (rdieter, than, jreznik, ltinkl, rnovacek, jgrulich, group::kde-sig)
retrace-server (mtoman, jfilak)
ruby-augeas (lutter, skottler, domcleal)
rubygem-sqlite3-ruby (kanarip, stahnma)
ruby-ldap (stahnma, stevetraylen)
ruby-libvirt (stahnma, clalance)
ruby-mysql (orion, kanarip)
ruby-ncurses (isimluk)
ruby-shadow (stahnma, tmz, skottler)
snake (jlaska, wwoods)
tcllib (krege)
tcl-mysqltcl (renep)
tcl-tcludp (spot)
tcl-tktreectrl (spot)
tesseract (karlik, smani)
tkcon (sergiopr)
xpa (sergiopr)
zanata-python-client (dchen, jamesni, seanf, anishpatil, robyduck, pnemade)
- J<