The following Fedora EPEL 5 Security updates need testing: Age URL 909 libguestfs-1.20.12-1.el5 673 puppet-2.7.26-1.el5 523 sblim-sfcb-1.3.8-2.el5 166 mcollective-2.8.4-1.el5 138 thttpd-2.25b-24.el5 30 proftpd-1.3.3g-5.el5
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 5 updates-testing
R-qtl-1.39.5-1.el5 davix-0.6.3-1.el5 pythia8-8.2.15-2.el5
Details about builds:
================================================================================ R-qtl-1.39.5-1.el5 (FEDORA-EPEL-2016-ef6f05169e) Tools for analyzing QTL experiments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Version 1.39, 2016-03-04 Major changes: * Fixed a bug in scantwo() when using weights with multiple phenotypes when some of the phenotypes contain missing values. (This is the same as the bug fix in scanone in version 1.38. Reminder of important principle: when you find a bug, look for other possible instances of the same bug.) * Changed the color scheme for plot.scantwo and plot.rf from red/blue rainbow to Viridis (see Option D at The plot.rf function has a new argument col.scheme; if you want to use the old red/blue scheme, use col.scheme="redblue". * Fixed a bug in cim() that was causing a segmentation fault. Minor changes: * Added a function table2map() for converting a data frame with marker positions (chr, position) into a map object. * Added a bit more detail in the help file for readMWril(). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ davix-0.6.3-1.el5 (FEDORA-EPEL-2016-dc51146571) Toolkit for Http-based file management -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
davix 0.6.3 upstream release --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ pythia8-8.2.15-2.el5 (FEDORA-EPEL-2016-f5b0615448) Pythia Event Generator for High Energy Physics -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Add missing obsoletes for the pythia8-hepmcinterface and pythia8-hepmcinterface- devel packages --------------------------------------------------------------------------------