Hi all,
I'm interested in the rt3 for EPEL project. I'm trying to understand who exactly is working on this and what the current status is. And obviously, trying to understand what I can do to help move this project forward.
Packages wishlist for rt3 is maintained in another page than the main EPEL wishlist. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/WishList/rt3 http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/WishList
From the main wishlist, the maintainers of the following packages have been mailed, but they either didn't answer or the wishlist page wasn't updated : perl-Apache-Session perl-Cache-Cache perl-Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry perl-Class-Container perl-Class-MethodMaker perl-DBIx-SearchBuilder perl-Devel-StackTrace perl-Exception-Class perl-GnuPG-Interface perl-HTML-Mason perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason perl-IPC-ShareLite perl-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon perl-Mail-GnuPG perl-Module-Versions-Report perl-Regexp-Common perl-Sort-Versions perl-Test-Deep perl-Text-Wrapper perl-Time-modules perl-Tree-Simple perl-Want
The maintainers of the following packages don't participate in EPEL : perl-Calendar-Simple perl-TermReadKey
Does anyone want to co-maintain them ?
The following packages are missing from the main wishlist : perl-capitalization perl-Class-ReturnValue perl-DBIx-DBSchema perl-ExtUtils-AutoInstall perl-HTML-Scrubber perl-Test-NoWarnings perl-Test-perl-Critic
Shall I add these packages to the main wishlist ?
What are the next steps ? Is there anything I can do to help ?
Regards, Xavier
On 29.01.2008 17:34, Xavier Bachelot wrote:
Packages wishlist for rt3 is maintained in another page than the main EPEL wishlist. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/WishList/rt3 http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/WishList
FYI, in the past weeks I took care of the main WhishList -- if something got added I mailed the Fedora owner normally.
From the main wishlist, the maintainers of the following packages have been mailed, but they either didn't answer or the wishlist page wasn't updated : [...]
I'd say: check via https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/acls/bugzilla?tg_format=plain who owns those in Fedora. I suspect at least some of the packages owners have EPEL packages already, but didn't get around to these ones. Send those a mail in private asking for their plans and I suspect you can shorten the list a bit.
For the remaining ones: a second mail can't hurt. Reminder (to everyone that plans to do something like this): before sending such mails please check this page http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/ContributorStatusNo If the FAS username of the package owner please don't send mails regarding participating in EPEL to them.
The following packages are missing from the main wishlist : perl-capitalization perl-Class-ReturnValue perl-DBIx-DBSchema perl-ExtUtils-AutoInstall perl-HTML-Scrubber perl-Test-NoWarnings perl-Test-perl-Critic Shall I add these packages to the main wishlist ?
I'd say so. I will mail the owners then. But you can do it yourself as well. The template I use can be found on: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/AskForFedoraPackageInEPEL
Cu knurd
Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
On 29.01.2008 17:34, Xavier Bachelot wrote:
Packages wishlist for rt3 is maintained in another page than the main EPEL wishlist. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/WishList/rt3 http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/WishList
FYI, in the past weeks I took care of the main WhishList -- if something got added I mailed the Fedora owner normally.
From the main wishlist, the maintainers of the following packages have been mailed, but they either didn't answer or the wishlist page wasn't updated : [...]
I'd say: check via https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/acls/bugzilla?tg_format=plain who owns those in Fedora. I suspect at least some of the packages owners have EPEL packages already, but didn't get around to these ones. Send those a mail in private asking for their plans and I suspect you can shorten the list a bit.
For the remaining ones: a second mail can't hurt. Reminder (to everyone that plans to do something like this): before sending such mails please check this page http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/ContributorStatusNo If the FAS username of the package owner please don't send mails regarding participating in EPEL to them.
The following packages are missing from the main wishlist : perl-capitalization perl-Class-ReturnValue perl-DBIx-DBSchema perl-ExtUtils-AutoInstall perl-HTML-Scrubber perl-Test-NoWarnings perl-Test-perl-Critic Shall I add these packages to the main wishlist ?
I'd say so. I will mail the owners then. But you can do it yourself as well. The template I use can be found on: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/AskForFedoraPackageInEPEL
Cu knurd
Thx Thorsten.
I've added the missing packages to the wishlist and did some additions to the rt3's wishlist page. It seems it's not that bad actually. There's not that much packages without someone to take care of them in EPEL.
I'll mail the EPEL guys that have packages to rebuild, this should shorten the list drastically. Then I'll go on with the EPEL-maintainer-less packages.
Regards, Xavier
Hi all,
Here's an updated status :
Some packages have already been rebuild since my last mail, thanks Robin and Spot (perl-TermReadKey, perl-HTML-Scrubber, perl-IPC-ShareLite and perl-Cache-Cache). We agreed to delay the EL-4 rebuild until we at least have EL-5. It seems very likely it will not be possible to fulfill the build dependencies on EL-4. Let's save that for later.
On EL-5, 27 packages are still missing. For testing purposes, I have taken the F8 SRPMs as shipped on the DVD.
16 packages from this list don't have any missing build dependencies and can be rebuild now. All 16 of them are rebuilding fine, with minor pbs with 2 of them : - missing BR: for perl-Devel-StackTrace, already fixed in cvs devel branch. - missing BR: for perl-TextWrapper, filed as https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=431411. Ralph already fixed it. 2 out of this 16 packages don't have anyone to take care of them in EPEL (perl-Module-Versions-Report and perl-Time-modules). I've mailed their Fedora owners, but no answer yet. Both of them are not blocking any other package. I've also mailed the EPEL owners of the 25 remaining packages. Not all of them answered yet.
5 out of the 27 packages have dependencies on the first bulk of 16 packages. All of them rebuild fine, with 2 minor pbs : - perl-Test-NoWarnings lacks a BR: on perl(Devel::StackTrace), fixed in devel branch of cvs. - perl-ExtUtils-AutoInstall ask about CPANPlus support and about ncftpget, ncftp, ftp and gpg.
4 out of the 27 packages have dependencies on the second bulk. All of them are rebuilding fine. Some problems though : - perl-DBIx-SearchBuilder : lots of tests are skipped with "ENV is not defined for driver 'Pg'" - perl-HTML-Mason : pbs with some tests : t/08-ah.......................skipped all skipped: $test_data->{is_maintainer} is not true or $test_data->{apache_dir} is not a directory t/16-live_cgi.................skipped all skipped: $test_data->{apache_dir} is not a directory
2 out of the 27 packages have dependencies on the third bulk. problems : - perl-Apache-Session : There's that in the build log : "Please use Test::Reporter to report test results - it's the only way to measure popularity of distribution." Also, some tests skipped with 'all skipped: Not running RDBM tests without APACHE_SESSION_MAINTAINER=1'
See the attached file for the detailed list of packages and their respective owners.
Regards, Xavier
Hi all,
Updated RT3 status as of 09/02/2008 :
15 out of the 27 packages have been rebuilt. Thanks Rob Myers, Dennis Gregorovic and huge thanks to Xavier Lamien (13 packages !).
Still no answer from the owners of the 2 packages without an EPEL maintainer. I've opened 2 bugs : https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=431927 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=431929
12 packages are left to be rebuilt, Steve Pritchard owns half of them, Xavier Lamien owns 3, Matt Domsch owns 1 and 2 are unowned.
See the attached spreadsheet for details.
Regards, Xavier
Hi all,
Last status before the EPEL meeting.
Still no answer from the owners of the 2 packages without an EPEL maintainer. I've opened 2 bugs : https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=431927 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=431929
Nothing new here, bugs are untouched, mails are still unanswered.
12 packages are left to be rebuilt, Steve Pritchard owns half of them, Xavier Lamien owns 3, Matt Domsch owns 1 and 2 are unowned.
3 packages have been rebuilt, thanks Matt and Xavier. We're down to 9 packages. 6 of them are owned by Steven Pritchard and are blocking Xavier Lamien's last package. 2 of them are the unowned packages above, they are not blocking other packages.
See the attached spreadsheet for details.
Regards, Xavier