Please keep responses on the list.
Ian Kumlien wrote:
> ipa find-user admin
> ipa: ERROR: No valid Negotiate header in server response
> And a lot of krb issues according to the http logs
I think we need to see the logs to diagnose.
> I wasn't expecting this - since all keys should be the same as the one
> installed - which is why i asked about any changes to the ldap data
It could happen, for example, if you had gotten a new keytab for one or
more service and restored old data. Unlikely, but possible.
Comparing the klist output with kvno for all the keytabs and principals
will tell you.
> If there is something more specific you want me to look at, just let me know
> On Wed, Feb 5, 2020 at 4:54 PM Rob Crittenden <rcritten(a)> wrote:
>> Ian Kumlien via FreeIPA-users wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Due to issues, I'm trying to do a partial restore of all the "important bits"
>>> But if I do ipa-restore --online --data --backend=userRoot $BACKUP
>>> I end up in a semiworking environment - the webui doen't work - kinit does...
>>> ipa doesn't etc..
>> It doesn't work how? What have you done to troubleshoot? What do the
>> logs say?
>> rob