I tried connect freeipa to Keycloak. And hove some questions about attribute and filters
I filled in this way:
* Username LDAP attribute uid
* RDN LDAP attribute uid
* UUID LDAP attribute uid
* User Object Classes memberOf
* Connection URL ldap://ldap.example.com
* Users DN cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com
* Bind Type simple
Enable StartTLS (when set enable cant login)
* Bind DN uid=test,cn=users,cn=compat,dc=example,dc=com
* Bind Credential **********
Custom User LDAP Filter (memberOf=cn=users,cn=compat,dc=example,dc=com)
With this settings keycloak can connect to freeipa but cant sync any users
2020-04-01 13:20:26,810 INFO [org.keycloak.storage.ldap.LDAPIdentityStoreRegistry] (default task-29) Creating new LDAP Store for the LDAP storage provider: 'freeipa_dev', LDAP Configuration: {pagination=[true], fullSyncPeriod=[-1], startTls=[false], connectionPooling=[true], usersDn=[cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com], cachePolicy=[DEFAULT], useKerberosForPasswordAuthentication=[false], importEnabled=[true], enabled=[true], bindDn=[uid=admin,cn=users,cn=compat,dc=example,dc=com], changedSyncPeriod=[-1], usernameLDAPAttribute=[uid], lastSync=[1585747226], vendor=[other], uuidLDAPAttribute=[uid], allowKerberosAuthentication=[false], connectionUrl=[ldap://ldap2.example.com], syncRegistrations=[true], authType=[simple], customUserSearchFilter=[(memberOf=cn=users,cn=compat,dc=example,dc=com)], debug=[false], searchScope=[1], useTruststoreSpi=[ldapsOnly], trustEmail=[false], priority=[0], userObjectClasses=[memberOf], rdnLDAPAttribute=[uid], editMode=[READ_ONLY], validatePasswordPoli
cy=[false], batchSizeForSync=[1000]}, binaryAttributes: []
2020-04-01 13:20:26,812 INFO [org.keycloak.storage.ldap.LDAPStorageProviderFactory] (default task-29) Sync all users from LDAP to local store: realm: example, federation provider: freeipa_dev
2020-04-01 13:20:26,894 INFO [org.keycloak.storage.ldap.LDAPStorageProviderFactory] (default task-29) Sync all users finished: 0 imported users, 0 updated users
When try enable SSL/TLS get this error for connection
2020-04-01 13:23:26,179 ERROR [org.keycloak.services] (default task-40) KC-SERVICES0055: Error when connecting to LDAP: null: java.lang.NullPointerException
How i can resolve this issue ?
thank you
I deployed a two replica FreeIPA Servers,it woks well until this month,it start at the service report the LDAP is Timeout,I try to restart the server,even reinstall two IPA server and maintain the data via replica from another server. And it still happen after several days. The 389ds server just simply stop to response to any connection ,the wierd thing is the connection is established but no response after the connection.
LDAP server seems to blocked on something,even replica is dead because the ldap is blocked.simply restart not slove the problem,the ldap server will blocked really soon caused other service like IPA Web service or kinit dead too.
I guess the blocked is caused via replica function somehow,since I figure out I have to close the ldap port on blocked server firewall to make it isolate,and restart the server,waiting for about 10 min after the server is start,reopen the ldap port on firewall to let replica recover,and everything will be fine...And I notice there some connection stuck at CLOSE_WAIT of ns-slapd may be related.
Need some help . I not so familiar with of freeipa,and trying to deal this problem over the week but nothing works.
FreeIPA server version:4.8.4
Server System: Fedora 31 (Cloud Edition)
server1 access log
krbLastFailedAuth krbLoginFailedCount krbPrincipalAuthInd krbExtraData krbLastAdminUnlock krbObjectReferences krbTicketFlags krbMaxTicketLife krbMaxRenewableAge nsAccountLock passwordHistory
ipaKrbAuthzData ipaUserAuthType ipatokenRadiusConfigLink krbAuthIndMaxTicke..."
[08/Mar/2020:10:01:23.390837315 +0800] conn=4 op=6091 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 etime=0.000276689
[08/Mar/2020:10:01:23.390906790 +0800] conn=4 op=6092 SRCH base="cn=ENMD.NET,cn=kerberos,dc=enmd,dc=net" scope=0 filter="(objectClass=krbticketpolicyaux)" attrs="krbMaxTicketLife krbMaxRenewableAge krbTicketFlags krbAuthIndMaxTicketLife krbAuthIndMaxRenewableAge"
[08/Mar/2020:10:01:23.391302403 +0800] conn=4 op=6092 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 etime=0.000432879
[08/Mar/2020:10:01:23.392418974 +0800] conn=3351 op=1 BIND dn="" method=sasl version=3 mech=GSSAPI
[08/Mar/2020:10:01:25.953517485 +0800] conn=3352 fd=161 slot=161 connection from <masked>.152 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:01:27.007620375 +0800] conn=3353 fd=162 slot=162 connection from <masked>.154 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:01:27.151656148 +0800] conn=3354 fd=163 slot=163 connection from <masked>.150 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:01:27.559750675 +0800] conn=3355 fd=164 slot=164 connection from <masked>.153 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:01:39.015400434 +0800] conn=3356 fd=165 slot=165 connection from <masked>.154 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:01:51.582586229 +0800] conn=3357 fd=166 slot=166 connection from <masked>.153 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:01:52.513047687 +0800] conn=3358 fd=167 slot=167 connection from <masked>.150 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:01:53.573811317 +0800] conn=3359 fd=168 slot=168 connection from <masked>.152 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:02:44.012371005 +0800] conn=3360 fd=169 slot=169 connection from <masked>.160 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:02:44.419580574 +0800] conn=3361 fd=170 slot=170 connection from <masked>.151 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:02:45.548493596 +0800] conn=3362 fd=171 slot=171 connection from <masked>.153 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:02:50.018712852 +0800] conn=3363 fd=172 slot=172 connection from <masked>.160 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:02:51.081867407 +0800] conn=3364 fd=173 slot=173 connection from <masked>.152 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:03:04.062925765 +0800] conn=3365 fd=174 slot=174 connection from <masked>.154 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:03:06.223438080 +0800] conn=3366 fd=175 slot=175 connection from <masked>.150 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:03:10.063982993 +0800] conn=3367 fd=176 slot=176 connection from <masked>.154 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:03:52.027006125 +0800] conn=3368 fd=177 slot=177 connection from <masked>.153 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:03:57.005297121 +0800] conn=3369 fd=178 slot=178 connection from <masked>.152 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:04:01.001767909 +0800] conn=3370 fd=179 slot=179 connection from <masked>.150 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:04:08.003082421 +0800] conn=3371 fd=180 slot=180 connection from <masked>.154 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:04:12.014090964 +0800] conn=3372 fd=181 slot=181 connection from <masked>.151 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:04:18.140192092 +0800] conn=3373 fd=182 slot=182 connection from <masked>.166 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:04:20.007046774 +0800] conn=3374 fd=183 slot=183 connection from <masked>.154 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:04:24.040348027 +0800] conn=3375 fd=184 slot=184 connection from <masked>.160 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:04:30.139898749 +0800] conn=3376 fd=185 slot=185 connection from <masked>.160 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:05:22.043556910 +0800] conn=3377 fd=186 slot=186 connection from <masked>.160 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:05:34.140357676 +0800] conn=3378 fd=187 slot=187 connection from <masked>.160 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:05:36.006033007 +0800] conn=3379 fd=188 slot=188 connection from <masked>.165 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:06:07.002808000 +0800] conn=3380 fd=189 slot=189 connection from <masked>.150 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:06:12.043478717 +0800] conn=3381 fd=190 slot=190 connection from <masked>.152 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:06:15.007914045 +0800] conn=3382 fd=191 slot=191 connection from <masked>.153 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:06:17.005632290 +0800] conn=3383 fd=192 slot=192 connection from <masked>.154 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:06:19.016341572 +0800] conn=3384 fd=193 slot=193 connection from <masked>.165 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:06:23.007594584 +0800] conn=3385 fd=194 slot=194 connection from <masked>.154 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:06:27.026262632 +0800] conn=3386 fd=195 slot=195 connection from <masked>.165 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:06:30.031700186 +0800] conn=3387 fd=196 slot=196 SSL connection from <masked>.159 to <masked>.180
[08/Mar/2020:10:06:37.009611536 +0800] conn=3388 fd=197 slot=197 connection from <masked>.151 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:06:37.033108567 +0800] conn=3389 fd=198 slot=198 connection from <masked>.165 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:07:23.002813545 +0800] conn=3390 fd=199 slot=199 connection from <masked>.165 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:07:31.011795943 +0800] conn=3391 fd=200 slot=200 connection from <masked>.165 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:07:36.011894960 +0800] conn=3392 fd=201 slot=201 connection from <masked>.160 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:07:41.021108836 +0800] conn=3393 fd=202 slot=202 connection from <masked>.165 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:07:42.014874690 +0800] conn=3394 fd=203 slot=203 connection from <masked>.160 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:09:16.005883198 +0800] conn=3395 fd=204 slot=204 connection from <masked>.165 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:09:24.009940147 +0800] conn=3396 fd=205 slot=205 connection from <masked>.165 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:09:34.015154400 +0800] conn=3397 fd=206 slot=206 connection from <masked>.165 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:10:24.040398249 +0800] conn=3398 fd=207 slot=207 connection from <masked>.153 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:10:27.003675219 +0800] conn=3399 fd=208 slot=208 connection from <masked>.152 to <masked>.165
[08/Mar/2020:10:10:28.005336766 +0800] conn=3400 fd=209 slot=209 connection from <masked>.150 to <masked>.165
server1 error log
[08/Mar/2020:09:30:52.966764268 +0800] - ERR - NSMMReplicationPlugin - repl5_inc_waitfor_async_results - Timed out waiting for responses: 0 3074
[08/Mar/2020:09:32:53.684831136 +0800] - ERR - NSMMReplicationPlugin - release_replica - agmt="cn=meToipa2.enmd.net" (ipa2:389): Attempting to release replica, but unable to receive endReplication extended operation response from the replica. Error -5 (Timed out)
[08/Mar/2020:09:34:53.625806166 +0800] - WARN - NSMMReplicationPlugin - acquire_replica - agmt="cn=meToipa2.enmd.net" (ipa2:389): Unable to receive the response for a startReplication extended operation to consumer (Timed out). Will retry later.
[08/Mar/2020:09:36:56.570809366 +0800] - WARN - NSMMReplicationPlugin - acquire_replica - agmt="cn=meToipa2.enmd.net" (ipa2:389): Unable to receive the response for a startReplication extended operation to consumer (Timed out). Will retry later.
[08/Mar/2020:09:38:56.509924342 +0800] - WARN - NSMMReplicationPlugin - acquire_replica - agmt="cn=meToipa2.enmd.net" (ipa2:389): Unable to receive the response for a startReplication extended operation to consumer (Timed out). Will retry later.
[08/Mar/2020:09:40:59.458123866 +0800] - WARN - NSMMReplicationPlugin - acquire_replica - agmt="cn=meToipa2.enmd.net" (ipa2:389): Unable to receive the response for a startReplication extended operation to consumer (Timed out). Will retry later.
[08/Mar/2020:09:42:59.402931124 +0800] - WARN - NSMMReplicationPlugin - acquire_replica - agmt="cn=meToipa2.enmd.net" (ipa2:389): Unable to receive the response for a startReplication extended operation to consumer (Timed out). Will retry later.
[08/Mar/2020:09:45:02.343312876 +0800] - WARN - NSMMReplicationPlugin - acquire_replica - agmt="cn=meToipa2.enmd.net" (ipa2:389): Unable to receive the response for a startReplication extended operation to consumer (Timed out). Will retry later.
[08/Mar/2020:09:47:02.282487714 +0800] - WARN - NSMMReplicationPlugin - acquire_replica - agmt="cn=meToipa2.enmd.net" (ipa2:389): Unable to receive the response for a startReplication extended operation to consumer (Timed out). Will retry later.
[08/Mar/2020:09:49:05.220734403 +0800] - WARN - NSMMReplicationPlugin - acquire_replica - agmt="cn=meToipa2.enmd.net" (ipa2:389): Unable to receive the response for a startReplication extended operation to consumer (Timed out). Will retry later.
[08/Mar/2020:09:51:05.160565112 +0800] - WARN - NSMMReplicationPlugin - acquire_replica - agmt="cn=meToipa2.enmd.net" (ipa2:389): Unable to receive the response for a startReplication extended operation to consumer (Timed out). Will retry later.
[08/Mar/2020:09:53:08.105641621 +0800] - WARN - NSMMReplicationPlugin - acquire_replica - agmt="cn=meToipa2.enmd.net" (ipa2:389): Unable to receive the response for a startReplication extended operation to consumer (Timed out). Will retry later.
[08/Mar/2020:09:55:08.040503542 +0800] - WARN - NSMMReplicationPlugin - acquire_replica - agmt="cn=meToipa2.enmd.net" (ipa2:389): Unable to receive the response for a startReplication extended operation to consumer (Timed out). Will retry later.
[08/Mar/2020:09:57:11.997307120 +0800] - WARN - NSMMReplicationPlugin - acquire_replica - agmt="cn=meToipa2.enmd.net" (ipa2:389): Unable to receive the response for a startReplication extended operation to consumer (Timed out). Will retry later.
[08/Mar/2020:09:59:12.965695447 +0800] - WARN - NSMMReplicationPlugin - acquire_replica - agmt="cn=meToipa2.enmd.net" (ipa2:389): Unable to receive the response for a startReplication extended operation to consumer (Timed out). Will retry later.
[08/Mar/2020:10:01:15.903578926 +0800] - WARN - NSMMReplicationPlugin - acquire_replica - agmt="cn=meToipa2.enmd.net" (ipa2:389): Unable to receive the response for a startReplication extended operation to consumer (Timed out). Will retry later.
[08/Mar/2020:11:26:42.560167019 +0800] - INFO - slapd_extract_cert - CA CERT NAME: ENMD.NET IPA CA
[08/Mar/2020:11:26:42.567890161 +0800] - WARN - Security Initialization - SSL alert: Sending pin request to SVRCore. You may need to run systemd-tty-ask-password-agent to provide the password.
[08/Mar/2020:11:26:42.647668764 +0800] - INFO - slapd_extract_cert - SERVER CERT NAME: Server-Cert
[08/Mar/2020:11:26:42.722748631 +0800] - INFO - Security Initialization - SSL info: Enabling default cipher set.
[08/Mar/2020:11:26:42.726554182 +0800] - INFO - Security Initialization - SSL info: Configured NSS Ciphers
[08/Mar/2020:11:26:42.730304776 +0800] - INFO - Security Initialization - SSL info: TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256: enabled
[08/Mar/2020:11:26:42.733614343 +0800] - INFO - Security Initialization - SSL info: TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256: enabled
[08/Mar/2020:11:26:42.740389595 +0800] - INFO - Security Initialization - SSL info: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384: enabled
[08/Mar/2020:11:26:42.743830864 +0800] - INFO - Security Initialization - SSL info: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256: enabled
[08/Mar/2020:11:26:42.748868878 +0800] - INFO - Security Initialization - SSL info: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256: enabled
[08/Mar/2020:11:26:42.762016895 +0800] - INFO - Security Initialization - SSL info: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256: enabled
[08/Mar/2020:11:26:42.766962209 +0800] - INFO - Security Initialization - SSL info: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256: enabled
[08/Mar/2020:11:26:42.779721887 +0800] - INFO - Security Initialization - SSL info: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384: enabled
[08/Mar/2020:11:26:42.787619421 +0800] - INFO - Security Initialization - SSL info: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384: enabled
[08/Mar/2020:11:26:42.795024632 +0800] - INFO - Security Initialization - SSL info: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA: enabled
[08/Mar/2020:11:26:42.799027752 +0800] - INFO - Security Initialization - SSL info: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA: enabled
[08/Mar/2020:11:26:42.802532993 +0800] - INFO - Security Initialization - SSL info: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA: enabled
[08/Mar/2020:11:26:42.806279559 +0800] - INFO - Security Initialization - SSL info: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256: enabled