[ tried to create the thread by mail, but did not seem to work, so I'm creating it from the web UI. Sorry if there's a duplicate coming in...]
The problem started with a user that could not connect with his initial password from the GUI: Username or password incorrect.
I reset it myself, and tried with the new temp password: idem.
I retried many many times. Same. I tried creating a new user, same.
In the meantime I realized the admin password had expired. I could not update it successfully via the command-line, but I could using the GUI.
I tried many things, but now "ipa user-status" fails for a lot of accounts: pa: ERROR: xxxxx: user not found
I tried creating a new account from command-line with ipa user-add, then asks for the status using "ipa user-status", it failed the same way.
What's happening ? What should I try ?