--- Comment #5 from Kalev Lember --- Hi,
I have some random drive-by comments. All of these are just a matter of personal preference; feel free to do how you prefer.
Group: Development/Libraries
None of the tools in Fedora make use of the Group tag; besides, in this spec file, it's currently only specified for the SRPM and not for the binary RPMs. I'd suggest removing it.
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
RPM has a sane default for BuildRoot. Defining it in the spec file is mostly only useful EPEL release with ancient rpm version.
%package -n mingw32-%{mingw_pkg_name}
Maybe use something shorter, like %{name1} as you've used in other spec files? Long %{mingw_pkg_name} all over the place makes the spec file quite hard to read.
%install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
The rm line isn't needed with the rpm macros in Fedora; again only useful for EPEL.
%clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
Same also applies to the whole %clean section; not needed in Fedora with the version of rpm there.
This is now the default with the rpm versions in Fedora; no need to keep the line if you are only building for Fedora and not EPEL.