just to give a quick update:
Just to give a heads up: I am now working on this upgrade to Mono 4.2. I will build the mono package and the depending packages in a BuildRoot Override, and submit them for testing. They will sit in testing for a couple of months, and hopefully when CentOS 7.3 is released (October or November???) we can submit the updated packages to Epel7. Are there any problems with that plan?
Last week in the meeting [1], it was suggested that I get a side tag from releng. I filed a ticket [2], but there have been some hickups. But now it is working. I am building now the new packages in the side tag, and will submit them to testing hopefully in the next couple of days, and then make an announcement.
All the best, Timotheus
[1] https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/epel/epel.2016-08-31-18.01.log.html [2] https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/6473