On Пан, 25 сак 2024, Riccardo Rotondo via FreeIPA-users wrote:
Hi, I'm writing here because, 6 years after, I have the same question cknight previously asked.
Any update on that?
My users only login to web UI and can't perform ldap search so the only way they can obtain users info it's from the "Users" page ("#/e/user/details/userame") I understand this question could sound odd, but in Europe we have many laws protecting users privacy and these info can not be published.
I'd repeat my response recently from a different thread:
-------------------------------------------- What changed since that time, is that Fedora project has created Noggin, https://github.com/fedora-infra/noggin, a self-service portal for user management on top of FreeIPA deployment. You might want to look at that and use it instead. --------------------------------------------
You may consider not exposing the FreeIPA web UI to regular users at all.