after about 15 years of tier1 services for fedora we're retiring our
services by end of March 2022 and after all tier2-mirrors found a new
upstream-tier1 for rsyncing fedora-content.
All tier2-mirrors received a notification off-list.
Please remove our mirror from the ACL and wiki-Paktes by April 1st.
Kind regards
Michael Metz-Martini
SpeedPartner GmbH
Blindeisenweg 43, 41468 Neuss
Tel.: 02131 88591-0, Fax: 02131 88591-10
E-Mail: info(a)speedpartner.de
Eingetragen unter HRB 13256 beim Amtsgericht Neuss
Geschäftsführer: Michael Metz-Martini, Stefan Neufeind
Sitz: Neuss