I am writing to inquire as to how I can remove a private mirror listing for a retired server called pingu.salk.eduhttp://pingu.salk.edu. The person who submitted the original request for our site is no longer here, and is not reachable.
After looking through the mirror management site, I noticed that I would likely need an account in order to manage our private mirror listing. Since I did not originally submit the private mirror request, I’m not sure how to proceed with removal of the private mirror listing. Please let me know what the next steps should be. My contact information is included below.
Fernando Flores System Administrator Information Technology Dept. The Salk Institute for Biological Studies p:858-453-4100 x2188 m:858-518-6917 e:fflores@salk.eduhttp://salk.edu
On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 09:57:32PM +0000, Fernando Flores wrote:
I am writing to inquire as to how I can remove a private mirror listing for a retired server called pingu.salk.eduhttp://pingu.salk.edu. The person who submitted the original request for our site is no longer here, and is not reachable.
After looking through the mirror management site, I noticed that I would likely need an account in order to manage our private mirror listing. Since I did not originally submit the private mirror request, I’m not sure how to proceed with removal of the private mirror listing. Please let me know what the next steps should be. My contact information is included below.
If you want to create an account we can add you as admin to your mirror and you can then delete it. To just create an account to delete a mirror seems like overkill and if you like I can just delete your mirror from the database.