Hi list.
For a few days I have been getting:
No completed run since Fri Nov 23 10:57:56 -03 2018.
I expected it to be transient, but now I am concerned.
The scripts downloads files every day. Today we have more than 400 new files:
espejito:/zp0/mirrors/fedora # find . -newermt "12/21/18" | wc-l 466
and we still receive and serve traffic as a mirror:
cat /var/log/apache2/access_log | grep /fedora/ | wc-l 20417
should I care about something?
"asy" == ariel sabiguero yawelak asabigue@fder.edu.uy writes:
asy> Hi list. For a few days I have been getting:
asy> No completed run since Fri Nov 23 10:57:56 -03 2018.
Which does mean pretty much what it says.
asy> The scripts downloads files every day. Today we have more than 400 asy> new files:
But are those files rsync temporaries or are the rsync calls actually completing?
asy> should I care about something?
Certainly you should try to understand why your quick-fedora-mirror runs are not completing.
* What version of quick-fedora-mirror are you running? When did you last do a git pull?
* What debug level are you using?
* Is it sending you any emails regarding failures?
* What's in the log file? (Or do journalctl -t quick-fedora-mirror if you're using the journal).
* Do you see any quick-fedora-mirror process running?
Depending on where you are mirroring from, what bandwidth you have and how much you are trying to mirror, it can take quite some time to actually complete a run. In that case you would see a bunch of "lock contention" notices in the log, and then you should have a look at just what is taking so long. There should be a directory under /tmp (or your configured TMPDIR) named starting with "quick-mirror" which holds the temporaries. There you can see what it's trying to transfer (master-transferlist) and some rsync logs.
- J<