The the Node.js guidelines say about Source0 [1]:
"The canonical method for shipping most node modules is tarballs from
the npm registry"
"This method [PP: tarbals from npm] should be preferred to using
checkouts from git or automatically generated tarballs from GitHub."
But I think that in following cases it would be better to use sources
from the upstream project:
1) When the license is not included in NPM but is in upstream project.
o Because we are not supposed to ship the license separate from the
2) When the tests are not included.
o In this case we need to download the sources from NPM and from
upstream project, which seems redundant and a waste of work.
3) When NPM content is generated and source files are not in NPM.
o This would mean to download sources from NPM and upstream project,
delete the NPM sources in prep and generate the files again.
Are there good reason to enforce the use of NPM sources which I am
missing? What is your opinion?
I would like to suggest to ad those three exceptions to the guidelines.