Keith Calligan
*Time Zone / Country *
Eastern Standard Time/USA
*Basic skills and experiences*
I've been working with various flavors of Linux for about 11 years (about 10
years professionally). I obtained my RHCE certification (RHEL 5) back in
February of 2009. Through my work experience, I have worked in various job
roles including network operations, technical support, and systems
At one time, I ran a web hosting company. Through that role, I gained
knowledge of the Apache web server, Sendmail, Bind, Mysql, and some php
I also have some experience working with VOIP on Linux systems. At one of
my companies, I setup a fax to email solution using Asterisk.
Nowadays, I build and maintain Red Hat servers for my company. This
includes setting-up, hardening, configuring, and patching servers that range
from Snort sensors, Apache web servers, mail servers, DNS servers, etc.
I also have a little bit of a networking background in Cisco equipment and
am familiar with basic firewall configuration and theory.
*Why you're joining *
I am joining the documentation project because I’ve learned a lot about
Linux over the years and would like to give some of that knowledge back so
more people can learn. I’m also using this to learn from others in the
group. I've always had a preference for Red Hat for servers and Fedora for
a Linux desktop system, so I think this is the best place for me to
*What you're looking to do (be specific)*
I’d like to start with writing some documentation. Some small tasks to
start off and maybe more later. I think I can be of great help in regards
to writing about any Linux configuration tasks.
*How much time you can contribute (usually hours per week)*
I can start out with an average of 2-4 hours a week. Some weeks may be more
and others less.
Keith Calligan
My Key
pub 2048R/0B3E7347 2010-10-22
Key fingerprint = E349 DB19 19FB 85C5 8D88 70AF 5084 7F84 0B3E 7347
uid Keith Calligan <keith(a)calligan.name>
sub 2048R/D87BF952 2010-10-22