I loaded up the nightly builds of F15, GNOME, XFCE and KDE on VMs to see
what kind of surprises were in store when we build the beta RPM.
The first surprise is that on GNOME the Documentation menu is gone, so
there is no place on the menu for the Release Notes. Got to decide what
to do there.
On KDE, we had put the Release Notes on the system menu, and it is still
there. But I got a nasty surprise when I launched it. Take a look at
the image at the link below. KDE is in the foreground and GNOME behind
We have some options on GNOME for the Release Notes (but maybe not for
docs in general), but I don't know what to make of the Konqueror
rendering of the Release Notes.
Everything worked fine on XFCE.
> Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2011 10:12:30 -0400
> From: "John J. McDonough" <wb8rcr(a)arrl.net>
> Subject: KDE help needed
> To: docs(a)lists.fedoraproject.org
> Message-ID: <1300889550.2288.2.camel@Aidan>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Since Paul went and gave us some decent prose on GNOME for the Desktop
> Beat (thanks Paul), we really could use some KDE user to go into the
> beat and brag on KDE 4.6 a bit.
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_Desktop_Beat
> --McD
This is my responsibility. I already started before I saw this email, and
there is some point-form material in the KDE section now. I'll finish as soon
as I can!
Two of the major new features in Fedora 15 are Firefox 4 and Libre
Office. I have some terse comments on these in
If someone would like to wax poetic on these packages and make them more
appealing than my brief comments it would be appreciated.
Docs owners,
Because of the migration to transifex all doc owners need to create
accounts on transifex.net and inform nb (nb(a)fedoraproject.org) of your
username and what guides that you need access to.
Zach Oglesby
GPG Key: F20C4707
zoglesby on irc.freenode.nethttps://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Zoglesby
If I'm not mistaken, we still have to manage ownership of components
and bugs through the Docs CVS module "owners". We should make sure
that several active people have access to that module and can make
changes in Bugzilla component ownership.
Being a Bugzilla component owner means you are the automatic assignee
for that component. Fedora Documentation is a product in Bugzilla,
and it has several components, most of which are guides or other
docs. We want to make sure that the owners of the docs are the
assignees for their bugs, as I understand it.
I think I can add people for access to the "owners" module so they can
help manage this process. Then those people can help keep the
component ownership maintained. Any specific requests on whom to add?
(Thanks to Nathan for reminding me about this issue.)
Paul W. Frields http://paul.frields.org/
gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233 5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717
http://redhat.com/ - - - - http://pfrields.fedorapeople.org/
Red Hat Summit/JBossWorld -- Register now! http://.theredhatsummit.com
Since Paul went and gave us some decent prose on GNOME for the Desktop
Beat (thanks Paul), we really could use some KDE user to go into the
beat and brag on KDE 4.6 a bit.
We are behind schedule on Release Notes. Most of the wiki beats have
been updated, at least for key features.
If you have been working on a beat, please review it and set the "Wiki
Good" indicator to 1 if you think it is OK on
If you are a developer you may want to go to the above page, find the
beat relevant to your work and review it. It is a wiki, so if you think
something needs to be added or changed, do it!
If the "In Publican" indicator is already 1, please set the "Wiki Good"
indicator to a * so we know that the wiki needs to be re-converted.
It looks like there are a number of new and interesting packages in the
Scientific and Technical area, but many of them are quite, well,
technical. We could really use some help here.
Keep in mind that since we went to a "real" Alpha, the release notes are
largely complete by Beta. Changes after Beta cause double work for
L10N, so please don't put this off.
Since we are behind schedule, just because the Wiki Good indicator is 0
doesn't mean that beat won't get converted.