Hi folks,
Someone referenced a document from here on AskFedora: https://docs.pagure.org/docs-fedora/
I've not seen these before, and they don't seem to have the same content as the quick-docs do either. Are they meant to be used (and are they maintained by the community: last updated 2018)?
If not, we should look at disabling these so that users don't end up here.
It would be nice to have all docs in a centralised location, I would agree with disabling if it's not kept current.
On Mon, Apr 12, 2021 12:02:13 +0200, Earl Ramirez wrote:
It would be nice to have all docs in a centralised location, I would agree with disabling if it's not kept current.
My understanding is that all docs are meant to be at docs.fp.o now. Perhaps at some point before the Antora, folks had experimented with using Pagure docs? The repo that generates these docs is here:
(for https://docs.pagure.org/docs-fedora/)
So, if this isn't maintained by the docs team, I'll open an issue there asking that the repo be archived and the pagure docs pages be disabled to prevent confusion.
Filed ticket to request repo owners to disable the docs build: