I'll blame my lack of progress on being the new kid on the block. I am trying to checkout the existing Administration-guide project from cvs, and finding that there is only an empty shell of a project there as well as the administration-guide-devel project. Am I checking out the wrong project, or are we just starting this project? I have a chapter for Sendmail setup and configuration I would like to incorporate the chapters into the guide as well as other docs that I plan on updating for the following areas:
users and groups network dns dhcpd iptables nis ldap dovecot squirrelmail mailman apache vncserver squid vsftpd cups snmpd mrtg webalizer syslog systat amanda
Mike "Ditt" Dittmeier, RHCE mike@vegasitpros.com
pub 1024D/3F08ECFB 2007-09-11 [expires: 2008-09-10] Key fingerprint = 8396 9850 E308 4EFF 1A22 6C5A 4FF5 DF6C 3F08 ECFB uid Mike Dittmeier (Just "Ditt" to my friends) mike@vegasitpros.com sub 2048g/1E6E4DBD 2007-09-11 [expires: 2008-09-10]
users and groups
network dns dhcpd iptables nis ldap dovecot squirrelmail mailman apache vncserver squid vsftpd cups snmpd mrtg webalizer syslog systat amanda
Hi Mike,
I had some stuff I was going to do for DNS this saturday, if I make a start before you then please delete/re-arrange to suit your needs.
Thanks for the help.
Kind Regards,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub 1024D/81B3FDEB 2007-09-19 [expires: 2008-09-18] Key fingerprint = 4ED9 9907 5BF0 4132 2B46 20D1 C0C6 362D 81B3 FDEB Murray McAllister (Fedora Docs Project / mdious) < murray.mcallister@gmail.com> sub 2048g/B04CFA0C 2007-09-19 [expires: 2008-09-18]
On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 15:19 -0400, Mike Dittmeier wrote:
I'll blame my lack of progress on being the new kid on the block. I am trying to checkout the existing Administration-guide project from cvs, and finding that there is only an empty shell of a project there as well as the administration-guide-devel project. Am I checking out the wrong project, or are we just starting this project?
That is a shell, IIRC; it is an in-progress conversion that is probably best to start from (near) scratch. Not sure, Bart may have some useful parts in his sandbox.
The exact workflow is ironically missing from here:
I'm going to add in a stub. What is needed is for ...
Bart: can you publish your notes on wiki => xml conversion?
Then we can wrap that into a proper how-to and ref. it from the workflow page.
- Karsten
On Wed, 2007-10-24 at 11:18 +1000, Murray McAllister wrote:
users and groups
network dns dhcpd iptables nis ldap dovecot squirrelmail mailman apache vncserver squid vsftpd cups snmpd mrtg webalizer syslog systat amanda
Hi Mike,
I had some stuff I was going to do for DNS this saturday, if I make a start before you then please delete/re-arrange to suit your needs.
Thanks for the help.
Kind Regards,
pub 1024D/81B3FDEB 2007-09-19 [expires: 2008-09-18] Key fingerprint = 4ED9 9907 5BF0 4132 2B46 20D1 C0C6 362D 81B3 FDEB Murray McAllister (Fedora Docs Project / mdious) murray.mcallister@gmail.com sub 2048g/B04CFA0C 2007-09-19 [expires: 2008-09-18]
-- fedora-docs-list mailing list fedora-docs-list@redhat.com To unsubscribe: https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-docs-list
One chapter at a time. I'm converting and upgrading my sendmail doc for now. Input is more than welcome.
Mike "Ditt" Dittmeier, RHCE mike@vegasitpros.com
pub 1024D/3F08ECFB 2007-09-11 [expires: 2008-09-10] Key fingerprint = 8396 9850 E308 4EFF 1A22 6C5A 4FF5 DF6C 3F08 ECFB uid Mike Dittmeier (Just "Ditt" to my friends) mike@vegasitpros.com sub 2048g/1E6E4DBD 2007-09-11 [expires: 2008-09-10]
On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 19:20 -0700, Karsten Wade wrote:
On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 15:19 -0400, Mike Dittmeier wrote:
I'll blame my lack of progress on being the new kid on the block. I am trying to checkout the existing Administration-guide project from cvs, and finding that there is only an empty shell of a project there as well as the administration-guide-devel project. Am I checking out the wrong project, or are we just starting this project?
That is a shell, IIRC; it is an in-progress conversion that is probably best to start from (near) scratch. Not sure, Bart may have some useful parts in his sandbox.
The exact workflow is ironically missing from here:
I'm going to add in a stub. What is needed is for ...
Bart: can you publish your notes on wiki => xml conversion?
Then we can wrap that into a proper how-to and ref. it from the workflow page.
- Karsten
-- fedora-docs-list mailing list fedora-docs-list@redhat.com To unsubscribe: https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-docs-list
I'm for what ever we have to do, and I would love to get this going. I think it's worth a discussion to decide on what should be included in the Administration Guide as well. Obviously we should refer to the install guide for install related issues, and it would be impossible to include configuration and use of all services and application in the Administration Guide.
My initial questions would be, who interested in working with me on the Administration Guide?
Here is a list of topics (not in any preferred order) that I would like to submit for inclusion:
= Fedora Administration Guide =
== Introduction ==
== System Overview ==
== Hardware ==
== Storage ==
== Memory ==
== Networking ==
== Remote Access == === SSH === === VNC Server ===
== Monitoring == === MRTG === === SNMP === === Sysstat ===
== Startup and Shutdown ==
== Users and Groups ==
== Desktops ==
== Authentication ==
== Backup == === TAR === === CPIO === === Amanada === === BackupPC ===
== Automation ==
== Services ==
== Logging ==
== System Updates ==
== WWW == === SSL === === Virtual Servers === === Logging === === Webalizer ===
== Email == === Sendmail === === Postfix === === Dovecot === === Squirrel Mail === === Mailman === === Spamassassin ===
== Anti-Virus ==
== Proxy ==
== DNS ==
== LDAP ==
== NTP ==
== File Services == === FTP === === Samba === === NFS ===
== Printing ==
== Security ==
=== IPTables ===
=== SELinux ===
Mike "Ditt" Dittmeier, RHCE mike@vegasitpros.com
pub 1024D/3F08ECFB 2007-09-11 [expires: 2008-09-10] Key fingerprint = 8396 9850 E308 4EFF 1A22 6C5A 4FF5 DF6C 3F08 ECFB uid Mike Dittmeier (Just "Ditt" to my friends) mike@vegasitpros.com sub 2048g/1E6E4DBD 2007-09-11 [expires: 2008-09-10]
Hi Mike,
I'm hoping to come in on Saturday and spend most of the day adding a few things. Are you doing all this on the docs/drafts wiki? Or are you doing it in docbook...I've just been adding content to http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs/Drafts/AdministrationGuide
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub 1024D/81B3FDEB 2007-09-19 [expires: 2008-09-18] Key fingerprint = 4ED9 9907 5BF0 4132 2B46 20D1 C0C6 362D 81B3 FDEB Murray McAllister (Fedora Docs Project / mdious) < murray.mcallister@gmail.com> sub 2048g/B04CFA0C 2007-09-19 [expires: 2008-09-18]
Op dinsdag 23-10-2007 om 19:20 uur [tijdzone -0700], schreef Karsten Wade:
On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 15:19 -0400, Mike Dittmeier wrote:
I'll blame my lack of progress on being the new kid on the block. I am trying to checkout the existing Administration-guide project from cvs, and finding that there is only an empty shell of a project there as well as the administration-guide-devel project. Am I checking out the wrong project, or are we just starting this project?
That is a shell, IIRC; it is an in-progress conversion that is probably best to start from (near) scratch. Not sure, Bart may have some useful parts in his sandbox.
Well for the moment we're working on the wiki in http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs/Drafts/AdministrationGuide
Once we've got an initial version there, we should convert to Docbook and see how we want to continue: in the wiki proting stuff to docbook <-> in docbook itself
The exact workflow is ironically missing from here:
I'm going to add in a stub. What is needed is for ...
Bart: can you publish your notes on wiki => xml conversion?
Dammit, why oh why haven't I done this before. Oh well I'll get them up today or tomorrow as time permits (some small stuff still needs to be added in)
Then we can wrap that into a proper how-to and ref. it from the workflow page.
Heh yeah, that should be the right place.
- Karsten
Op dinsdag 23-10-2007 om 15:19 uur [tijdzone -0400], schreef Mike Dittmeier:
I'll blame my lack of progress on being the new kid on the block. I am trying to checkout the existing Administration-guide project from cvs, and finding that there is only an empty shell of a project there as well as the administration-guide-devel project. Am I checking out the wrong project, or are we just starting this project? I have a chapter for Sendmail setup and configuration I would like to incorporate the chapters into the guide as well as other docs that I plan on updating for the following areas:
users and groups network dns dhcpd iptables nis ldap dovecot squirrelmail mailman apache vncserver squid vsftpd cups snmpd mrtg webalizer syslog systat amanda
Hi Mike,
very nice list :-)
I should have sent this to the list too, but I missed that somehow:
<mail> Hi,
I'd like to get the ball rolling, so we could have a sort of an intermediate release the end of next month.
We've already got some stuff on the wiki[1] that we could reuse/extend/...
The current topics list is quite broad, we might want to cut down, the further we go. So how do I see the overall picture here: * Part on basic system administration * users / groups admin * yum / yumex (basic stuff and link to the Yum Guide) * partitions, mounting, permissions * task scheduling * (add your ideas here) * Services / servers * basic services management (system-config-services, chkconfig, service, init.d-scripts) * Basic home-network stuff: NFS, SSH, * describing some broadly used servers (mail, web, DNS, samba, ...) * (add your ideas here) * anything else
Just keep in mind that we don't need to cover *all* of this, the things we can tackle, we'll get done and the rest will be for later (or others to join in).
So what do you think?
Thanks in advance, Bart </mail>
Our lists seem very similar :-)
On Thu, 2007-10-25 at 08:31 +0200, Bart Couvreur wrote:
The current topics list is quite broad, we might want to cut down, the further we go. So how do I see the overall picture here: * Part on basic system administration * users / groups admin * yum / yumex (basic stuff and link to the Yum Guide) * partitions, mounting, permissions * task scheduling * (add your ideas here) * Services / servers * basic services management (system-config-services, chkconfig, service, init.d-scripts) * Basic home-network stuff: NFS, SSH, * describing some broadly used servers (mail, web, DNS, samba, ...) * (add your ideas here) * anything else
Just keep in mind that we don't need to cover *all* of this, the things we can tackle, we'll get done and the rest will be for later (or others to join in).
Sorry I'm late to this discussion. Here are some guidelines you should keep in mind while drafting:
1. Stick to a set of basic assumptions, for instance a default Fedora installation (i.e. for now, leave out things like yumex, dovecot, or other nonstandard services/apps)
2. Focus on showing the user HOW TO accomplish something, rather than explaining everything you know about a topic
3. A good guide for the minimum administrative topics would be to go to the main menu, under System -> Administration, and provide a section for each sysadmin tool there. (That doesn't have to be a limit, just a good starting point.) It would then be fine for each one to show how to make any further configuration that is a major use case.
4. Agree to, and stick to, a best practice for each fundamental procedure, like using /sbin/chkconfig and /sbin/service for example.
5. A good outline, even if you're currently just doing a lot of porting, is a MUST for a good document. Work on an outline as a separate task, and don't worry about making anything fit until you have all the material piled up wherever it makes you happy. Once all the material's been gathered, then go back to the outline, check and revise it, and then start hammering everything into shape. Without an outline you risk having a very confusing guide that hops willy-nilly from one topic to another without any flow. The flow is what helps a reader build her skill set -- by starting with simple things, and building upon them piece by piece.
These are just a few hints that occurred to me. I will readily admit that I am no expert in this area, but these are things I try to think about whenever I'm working on docs.