Bug ID: 2004265
Summary: Official name of Taiwan is wrong
Product: Fedora
Version: 35
Hardware: All
Status: NEW
Component: iso-codes
Assignee: pnemade(a)
Reporter: julian.g(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: caillon+fedoraproject(a),
i18n-bugs(a), mclasen(a),
pnemade(a), rhughes(a),
rstrode(a), sandmann(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Fedora
Description of problem:
The "official name" of the country on Taiwan is wrong. It states "Province of
China", which is obviously not its official name. No country would call itself
"Province" of another country. The official name is "Republic of China".
Some sources:
- Official government website by the RoC Ministry of
Foreign Affairs
- You can ask any person living on the Island.
- As an IT person, you might have some hardware labeled "Made in RoC".
- The Hong Kong and the Taiwanese locale both have "中華民國" as a translation,
which means "Republic of China".
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Bug ID: 2068726
Summary: Culmus Hebrew fonts aren't usable by TeXLive after
Product: Fedora
Version: 35
Status: NEW
Component: culmus-fonts
Assignee: pnemade(a)
Reporter: nikita(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: i18n-bugs(a),
petersen(a), pnemade(a),
psatpute(a), vishalvijayraghavan(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Link ID: Red Hat Bugzilla 1919932
Classification: Fedora
Description of problem:
On a clean Fedora 35 after installing texlive, babel-hebrew, and
tex-fonts-hebrew, I can't use pdflatex to render a Hebrew document.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
texlive 9:2021-48.fc35
texlive-babel-hebrew 9:svn30273.2.3h-48.fc35
tex-fonts-hebrew 0.1-35.fc35
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Start a new Fedora 35 container: podman run -it fedora:35
2. dnf install texlive texlive-babel-hebrew tex-fonts-hebrew
3. Try to render hello.tex document listed below (this is a basic
Hebrew document) using pdflatex (pdflatex hello.tex).
Actual results:
Blank PDF
Expected results:
PDF with Hebrew text
Additional info:
On Fedora 33 this document caused an error, on Fedora 35 something changed and
the error no longer appears, but the result is a bad document.
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Bug ID: 1974076
Summary: Chinese input methods use previously enabled layout
Product: Fedora
Version: 34
Hardware: All
OS: Linux
Status: NEW
Component: ibus-libpinyin
Severity: medium
Assignee: pwu(a)
Reporter: nickolay.ilyushin(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: i18n-bugs(a),
petersen(a), pwu(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Fedora
Description of problem:
ibus-libpinyin (and most probably several other input methods) uses `default`
keyboard layout instead of `us` or whatever fits best. This effectively means
that the last keyboard layout (non-IME) will be used for the pinyin input. For
users which use non-Latin keyboard layouts, such as Russian or Ukrainian, this
makes pinyin input unusable.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): 1.12.0
How reproducible: easily.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Enable pinyin input method in your settings.
2. Switch to e.g. Russian layout.
3. Switch to pinyin IME.
4. You will type Russian letters and pinyin IME will not trigger.
Actual results:
`4. You will type Russian letters and pinyin IME will not trigger.`
Expected results:
`4. You will type *Latin* letters and pinyin IME *will* trigger.`
Additional info:
There are two workarounds:
1. Manually patch `/usr/share/ibus/component/libpinyin.xml` and change `layout`
to `us` from `default`. I don't know how this will work with non-QWERTY
keyboards though.
2. Switch to a Latin layout before switching to pinyin.
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Bug ID: 1999864
Summary: Cannot find package with font for Coptic although such
a package exists for Fedora 34
Product: Fedora
Version: 34
Status: NEW
Component: fontconfig
Assignee: tagoh(a)
Reporter: mfabian(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: ajax(a), caillon+fedoraproject(a),
i18n-bugs(a), mclasen(a),
pnemade(a), rhughes(a),
rstrode(a), sandmann(a),
Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Fedora
Created attachment 1819530
Gnome Software unable to find Coptic fonts
Using Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-34-1.2.iso in qemu.
I played with emoji picker and Gnome popped up something requesting more fonts.
I clicked and then Gnome Software said:
“Unable to find the Coptic, Persian, Old (ca. 600-400 B.C.), Ugaritic you were
searching for. Please see _the documentation_ for more information.”
See attached screenshot.
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Bug ID: 2076596
Summary: The KDE ibus panel does not work as expected.
Product: Fedora
Version: 36
Status: NEW
Component: ibus
Assignee: tfujiwar(a)
Reporter: lruzicka(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: i18n-bugs(a),
shawn.p.huang(a), tfujiwar(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Fedora
Created attachment 1873514
The ibus panel with incorrect layout.
Description of problem:
I have freshly installed KDE Live 20220418 and made following settings during
the installation:
* System language is English.
* Keyboard layout is Czech.
After the installation, the keyboard is correctly laid out to "czech" and uses
the correct czech mappings. When I check for the system settings using
`localectl status`, I get the same result:
System Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8
VC Keymap: cz
X11 Layout: cz
However, when I log into the KDE session, the IBUS-panel shows incorrectly
"EN", but the layout is not English and even when I specifically select it
using the panel, it does not have any influence.
Also, when I use the panel to add other languages, it does not affect the
system layout which is used for the KDE session, as well as for applications
(kwrite, konsole), which remains "czech" all the time.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
KDE Plasma 5.24.4
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Install KDE Live with non-english layout (as the only one)
2. Log into the newly installed session.
3. See if ibus-panel shows the correct layout.
4. Try using ibus-panel to modify keyboard layout in the KDE session.
Actual results:
ibus-panel cannot modify keyboard layout
Expected results:
ibus-panel should be able to modify keyboard layout or should not be the
default method to do so.
Additional info:
See screenshot
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Bug ID: 2070187
Summary: please branch ibus-kkc for epel9
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Status: NEW
Component: ibus-kkc
Assignee: dueno(a)
Reporter: petersen(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: dueno(a), i18n-bugs(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Fedora
Description of problem:
I would like to have ibus-kkc with libkkc in epel9
and would be happy to help build it if you like.
Could you please request an epel9 branch?
If you don't mind to make me comaintainer that would be fine too.
(libkkc got orphaned during the F35 cycle, I think
so I was able to branch that already.)
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Bug ID: 1897782
Summary: ibus pinyin input with special characters like '/'
will repeat itself non-stop and cause strange
behaviours with background applications
Product: Fedora
Version: 33
Status: NEW
Component: ibus-libpinyin
Assignee: pwu(a)
Reporter: yemoran-2020(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: i18n-bugs(a),
petersen(a), pwu(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Fedora
Description of problem:
In Fedora 33 Workstation, with a Chinese system language, when I try to input
with the ibus input (intelligent pinyin), and I pressed the slash key'/', then
the slash character '/' will automatically keep repeating itself, even if I
only pressed the slash key '/' once.
Not only this caused unwanted '/' to spam, but:
1. Also prevents me from pressing alphabetical characters to use pinyin input
normally, unless I delete all my remaining characters to exit pinyin prompt and
start over;
2. Can possibly delete my already-saved text, in combination with
It seems that I have completely lost control within the pinyin prompt. I have
met with other surprising conditions, though cannot be immediately reproduced
now, but I believe more combinations of inputs triggering different bugs will
be confirmed later.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Any kind of version. I also tested with Fedora 32 Workstation, still have this
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Fetch any Fedora Workstation version, be it 32 or 33 or any updates applied.
2. Add Chinese input method 'Intelligent Pinyin' and switch to it
3. In GNOME(Wayland), open any GTK-based application, be it Firefox, GNOME
Terminal, gedit, Libreoffice, ... (take gedit as an example)
4. Input 你好,今天天气 (keypress: nihao<1>,jintian<1>) as a start up example, confirm
input use number key '1'. or keys like <Enter> or <Space>.
5. Input 怎么样/ (keypress: zenmy/). Do not confirm immediately after 'zenmy', but
press '/' exactly once.
6. The '/' character is repeating itself within several hundred milliseconds.
7. Press <Ctrl-Backspace>. gedit will highlight "你好,今天天气" (with a lot of
trailing '/').
8. Press <Backspace> to delete these Chinese characters.
Actual results:
Not only '/' is repeating itself, but also I lost control to gedit and gedit
thinks you want to press '/' forever or even wants to delete my
already-confirmed characters before this input.
Expected results:
1. '/' Should not trigger anything, unless I have pressed this key and did not
release this key press (but I always release keys)
2. '/' Should not make me lost control over pinyin prompt to gedit
3. <Backspace> Should only delete pinyin alphabets in pinyin prompt panel, and
should not do anything to the background gedit texts, unless I have exited the
pinyin prompt panel (because I confirmed my input or have deleted every pinyin
alphabet in it)
Additional info:
1. I did not found this bug on Debian buster or Arch with latest updates.
Additionally, '/' did not even input a single character '/' in these
distributions, but I cannot confirm if this is the expected behaviour. In
Fedora 33 KDE, '/' did input a single character '/', but immediately stopped.
2. I didn't find this behaviour in qt-based applications (like Fedora Image
Writer or Octave) in GNOME, or any application in other desktop environments
(including KDE, or even GTK-based Cinnamon Desktop). This bug seems to only
occur on GTK-based applications on GNOME.
3. I can be very sure that this is not caused by something wrong with my
specific keyboard, because (a) Other distributions worked very well (b) Other
Fedora spins worked very well (c) Qt-based applications in GNOME worked very
well (d) GNOME X11 session worked very well (e) I replicated this bug on a
fresh install of Fedora 32 Workstation in another laptop of mine.
4. I guess other special characters (or keys) like '[', ']', '\', '<Esc>',
'<Backspace>', etc. may trigger similar bugs, but I cannot confirm. '/' will
surely trigger this. ',' and '.' are used in pinyin input method to flip
candidate characters pages, so they doesn't trigger this bug. ' does not
trigger this bug (used in xi'an for 西安)
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Bug ID: 1847347
Summary: gnome-terminal and xfce4-terminal get surrounding text
from previous application
Product: Fedora
Version: 32
Status: NEW
Component: ibus
Assignee: tfujiwar(a)
Reporter: mfabian(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: i18n-bugs(a),
shawn.p.huang(a), tfujiwar(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Fedora
I made the following screenshots and video by testing on Gnome-Xorg, but the
problem occurs on Gnome-Wayland as well.
How to reproduce (see also attached screenshots and video):
- To show what happens with the surrounding text, I first opened the
setup tool of ibus-typing-booster and set the debug level in the
options tab to 3.
When the debug level is high, the auxiliary text above the candidate
list shows what context has been obtained by using surrounding text
(if surrounding text is available, if it is not available like when
using xterm, the context is just remembered from what was typed
- I opened 3 windows: gedit, firefox, and gnome-terminal.
- I focus on gedit and type "a b c d e"
On top of the candidate list one can see: "Context: b c d"
This is because when the letter "e" was typed, ibus-typing-booster
got the surrounding text at the cursor position and parsed the last
3 tokens left of the cursor out of the result. And these
last 3 tokens left of the cursor are "b c d".
- Now I focus on firefox and type "f g h i j"
On top of the candidate list one can see: "Context: g h i"
I.e. the correct context "g h i" to the left of the just typed "j"
(which is still in preedit) has been found using surrounding text.
- Now I focus on gnome-terminal and type "k l m"
On top of the candidate list one can see: "Context h i j"
This comes from the surrounding text left of the cursor in
*firefox*, *not* from gnome-terminal.
Although gnome-terminal reports that surrounding text is supported, i.e.
self.client_capabilities & IBus.Capabilite.SURROUNDING_TEXT
is True (see the code to get the context at:…
gnome-terminal does not really seem to support surrounding text.
The surrounding text comes from the previous client which really supported
surrounding text.
If the previous client was firefox, one still gets the surrounding text from
firefox while typing in gnome-terminal.
Same with gedit, if the previous client before focussing on gnome-terminal
was gedit, one still gets the surrounding text from gedit while typing in
- The same problem occurs when using xfce4-terminal instead of gnome-terminal.
- When using xterm, the problem does *not* occur because when using xterm
self.client_capabilities & IBus.Capabilite.SURROUNDING_TEXT
is False and then the get_context() immediately returns and the context
remembered from the last text typed is used as a fallback.
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Bug ID: 1790554
Summary: Keyboard layout of Kana Kanji wont show up
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Hardware: x86_64
Status: NEW
Component: ibus
Assignee: tfujiwar(a)
Reporter: sumukher(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: i18n-bugs(a),
shawn.p.huang(a), tfujiwar(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Classification: Fedora
Description of problem:
The keyboard layout for Kana Kanji Japanese doesnt show up
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Install Fedora-Rawhide-20200112.n.0 WS from live boot
2. Open settings and navigate to Region and Language
3. Add Japanese Kana Kanji in the input source
4. Click the icon looking like an eye button which should open the keyboard
Actual results:
Doesn't show up the keyboard layout
Expected results:
The keyboard layout should show up like it shows up for english
Additional info:
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